MovieChat Forums > The Book Thief (2013) Discussion > One really cliche part made me cringe......

One really cliche part made me cringe...*spoiler*

And it was at such an important part. *SPOILER*

When Rudy dies and says " I lo---" dead. really?!
I didn't read the book so forgive me if that's how it was written but it came across as a line written by a middle schooler.

I would have rather him say ANYTHING else before dying. Or would have rather her just find him dead like she did the others.

Yes a very touching scene, but the writing of that line just killed me.


I was hoping he was going to make a joke about him maybe getting that kiss now.

Writer at featuring Overview/ Reviews (with Spoilers)


That would have been great! If he said his infamous line.
Yeah they did butcher the ending with Rudy. I would have liked the book's ending or maybe even the one that the poster above me recommended.

Reading The Book Thief made me cry more than Titanic.


Yeah would have been nice to have him QQ for a kiss all through the movie and then die.

Doesn't get much cheesier than that. What an artsy fartsy piece of garbage.


In the book he was already dead when she found him.


I did not read the book, so can't tell how the scene worked in comparison, but I liked the way it was portrayed in the movie.
He was still alive. There was someone else that was going to survive the bombing. A ray of hope in all the horrible scene. I thought it was even more tragic for him to be alive and then die in front of her, than for him to be one more body lined up on the street. The "I love you" bit was a bit too predictable, but for me it did not detract. Maybe some humorous remark would have been more in character, but as I was portrayed I thought it was fine...


Me, too. I thought it was fine. If he had made a joke as he lay there injured and dying, it would have been ridiculous. As it was, he was being sincere. And added to the poignancy of her saying, "Kiss me," and kissing his dead lips.


I was also cringing at this scene. The rest of the movie was rather good, so the fact that the ending was so sloppy made me a bit frustrated about it.

It felt like the director decided to show us three endings, two of which were unneeded. I thought Death narrating the bombs could've included Rudy and then segued into the life/death of Liesel. That entire scene with Liesel wandering around in the rubble was totally unneeded and overly sappy.


I agree that the ending did feel muddled and disjointed. I expected the film to be ending like 3 times before it actually was. I still thought overall the film was good though.


Yeah. A joke or the book version would have been much preferred. A lot of the ending really threw it off for me. The Rudy part, the unnecessary scene with Max (totally could have been wrapped up by death/narrator instead). ...for some reason the Apple monitor really bugged me too haha. I know product placement helps pay for the whole shabang, but... damn. It was RIGHT THERE in the middle of the close up at the end.

Despite the flaws, definitely a movie I would watch again.



My whole group of friends were talking about how inappropriate that Apple product placement was.


I found the Apple product placement to be VERY distracting!


i tought it was inappropriate as well. You had this beautiful room decorated with wonderful memories. You could tell that time changed because there of the design of the lamp & some of the sleek photo holders and then you had this apple computer screaming.. "we're not in the 20th century anymore". While it may be more considered "natural" to have some modern appliances in the room the lamp was fine and it looked gorgeous like a shrine dedicated to Liesel's past. The apple computer took away from it and cheapened it for me.


I probably wouldn't have noticed it, if I hadn't seen it discussed here first.

I do think it was a kind of cheap product placement, so I agree in part.

One thing to remember, Liesel did grow up to be a writer, and she lived to a very old age, so it would be totally unrealistic for her to have a laptop in her home.


What does lo--- mean???


It's him about to say I love you and dying before he can say it.


Yes, I kind of wish they had left it like the book. If he was still going to be alive then she should have just kissed him, rather than giving him a half-spoken line.

Overall, I loved this movie, but I wish they had stuck with bombing scene the way it was written. It was finding Hans' body that destroyed her. She saw it, but she blacked it out for a while and went around to her mother and others before going back to his. She also had the accordion on her walking around among the rubble in complete shock, that is how the Burgomeister's wife found her. Leisel didn't go running to her like that, she wasn't in a mental state to recognize help when she saw it.


Why wouldn't he say, "I loathe bombs blowing up my home in the middle of the night and killing me"?

It's strange that that made you cringe. I would have said the same thing.
