MovieChat Forums > The Replacements (2006) Discussion > Disney doesn't make cartoons like they u...

Disney doesn't make cartoons like they used to

I don't understand what has happened to Disney lately. For the past few years they have had trouble producing cartoons for viewers to enjoy. They used to produce great cartoons like Goof Troop, Aladdin, Pepper Ann, Talespin, and Timon & Pumbaa, but they have not produced a succesful cartoon in a long time. Here is a list of some of their cartoons they have produced over the past few years:

Kim Possible- So popular that it is getting a fourth season and will end at 87 episodes.

The Proud Family- It had a good run although it ended at 53 episodes instead of 65 for some strange reason.

American Dragon: Jake Long- It seems to be doing well.

Lilo & Stitch- I don't like the show, but others do and it is pretty popular.

The Empreror's New School- I did not find this funny at all.

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers- I thought it was funny, but many other people hated it. The show has now ended with 2 seasons and 39 episodes.

The Buzz On Maggie- I actually liked the show because it had a unique concept, but again, other people hated it. It is now cancelled and has been sold to Midway Games.

The Replacements- I don't know who came up with the idea for this show, but I predict that it will be a flop just like the other cartoons on the network.

Anyway, I don't know what has happened to Disney, but people have not been too happy with the way their cartoons have been lately. Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network are doing a better job then they are. I hope that Disney will get better soon.


I never cared for the Timon and Pumbaa show. But I do agree with you. It seems that their animated shows flop quicker than their live-action ones.
On your list you forgot to add Dave the Barbarian. It hardly lasted a full year. Now it's on about once a week at like 2 AM.
Overall, Disney channel has been disappointing. The only show I really enjoyed that was still in production was Phil of the Future, which has been cancelled after only about 43 episodes instead of 65. I wish Disney channel did more shows without a laugh track. It's annoying an unnecessary.

Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they.


Instead of adding these cartoons they should put back the old shows like so weird, the famous jett jackson n all those otha shows about teens and stuff

Now it seems like the teen part of Disney Channel is turning into a full day kids show!

And how the heck is "the replacements" an original? or big? When I saw that i turned to Nickelodeon! If they put an old show on I would understand y they would've said original.

RIght now I onli have 6 fave shows which is Hannah Montana, Thats so Raven, The suite life of Zack and Cody, Life with Derek, Naturally Sadie, and Boy meets world, (I have to stay up til 2 am to see that show!)

But with these new animated shows, DIsney Channel's rating is going to down.

I miss the old Disney Channel or should I say Zoog Disney? I was too young to understand what was going on in those old series but now that I am a teenager, I bet i could.


Yes, they need more teen shows. That's what Disney was for during the day(Zoog disney) but now they're mixing it up. I guess they want little kids now. Don't they have Playhouse Disney and other channels?


I'd rather be his whore than your wife.


On the message board for a pilot show called "What's Stevie Thinking?", a poster said that next year Disney is going to put a new show on every month and each show will run for 13 eps. At the end of the year, viewers vote for the shows that will stay and the shows that will go. I don't know if this is true or not, but I think this could be a good idea considering what Disney is going through right now.


There's a Timon and Pumbaa show? I had no clue.

Sonny: Julian, what do you want? Julian: Thirty packets of ketchup.
-Big Daddy


Disney's problem is that absolutely NONE of their shows have heart anymore.

Watch "The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," which is on at 5:30 in the morning and you'll see what I mean. I just watched it, and at the end of both the show's 15 min. episodes, it just gives you a sort of warm, fuzzy feeling. For me, the show comes on 2:30 since I have the East Coast times Disney Channel, and after even the worst day imaginable, I always end it with a smile and a warmer heart after watching this show.

How many current Disney shows give you this sort of feeling? Now, it's just blatant, mindless "entertainment."




I agree with allabout_ela. I LOVED That's so Weird and Boy Meets World (Haloween ep is my fave) and then there used to be a show called Are You Afraid of the Dark? I watched when I had half the day off from kindergarten (tho I think that was on Nick). It sucks that those shows aren't on anymore.

The Replacements doesn't seem like it has a very strong plot. Those two kids just replace anybody they don't like. It just seems kinda empty.




ha ha i remeber that episode! But here's some shows that I posted on the otha boards

So Weird-

Lightening Rod-

Lightening Rod 2-

Lightening Rod 3-

Talking Board-

Talking Board 2-

Talking Board 3-


Detention 2-

Detention 3-

Eddie’s Desk-

Eddie’s Desk 2-

Eddie’s Desk 3-


Voodoo 2-

Voodoo 3-


Banglebye 2-



Rewind 2-

Rewind 3-

Exit 13-

Exit 13 2-

Exit 13 3-


Carnival 2-

Carnival 3-

Earth 101-

Earth 101 2-

Earth 101 3-

Beeing there-

Beeing there 2-

Beeing there 3-


Snapshot 2-

Snapshot 3-


Changeling 2-

Changeling 3-

Still Life-

Still Life 2-

Still Life 3-

Grave Mistake-

Grave Mistake 2

Grave Mistake 3-

Pen Pal-

Pen Pal 2-

Pen Pal 3-

The Muse-

The Muse 2-

The Muse 3-

The Incanto-

The Incanto 2-

The Incanto 3-


Meow 2-

Meow 3-

Widows Walk-

Widows Walk 2-

Widows Walk 3-


Babble 2-

Babble 3-

Gone Fishing-

Gone Fishing 2-

Gone Fishing 3-

Mr. Magnetism-

Mr. Magnetism 2-

Mr. Magnetism 3-

Dead Ringer-

Dead Ringer 2-

Dead Ringer 3-

Flash Forward

Theme Song-flash forward

That’s my baby-

Fresh Start-

House Party-

In a heartbeat


15 sec. clip-

Express yourself

Eric Lively-


Favorite Actor-

Alexz Johnson-


The Babysitter’s club



To answer one and all's questons about Disney, cartoons and all around entertainment.

Disney has always been for kids, not teens, but kids. As geard more towards those under the age 13. I grew up on Disney in the 70s and 80s so I know what I"m talking about.

Disney, like all other entertainment big wigs, needs to make adjustments and changes according to the times and demographics. You guys may want the old show back, but guess what? You can't have Boy Meets World because those kids all grew up. I've seen it in reruns on ABC Family and whatever other station it's on, and from what I've seen of it, the show was about the kids and what their lives were like. Then they grew up and went to college. That's it, they've grown up. You want to watch it, then either catch a rerun, rent or buy (or ask a parent/relative to buy it for you if you don't have money). Same goes with all other shows that had a long life like it. Growing Paines, Facts of Life, etc.

Some shows that you may like, don't do well in the ratings, and even Disney has to answer to someone/group of someones. Which means if they have a show that isn't doing well in the ratings, they're not going to keep it on when they can cancle it and put something else on that'll work better.

I came to the Replacement board today to see if anything was being said about this yet (didn't know they had given everyone a sneak peek already) and all I can say is you guys need to grow up. You've done nothing but complain and there are countless threads about it. You don't like it? Don't watch it. No one's forcing you to watch it. You don't have to start useless petitions to get it cancled. You also haven't given it a shot. I've seen more than 1 post by more than 1 person saying they couldn't stand to watch 10 seconds of it. Or others that said the theme song made no sense.

It made perfect sense to me. It explained the basic of the show, much like the intro voic over for the A-Team. Has Disney's quality gone down hill over the years? Sure, so has the rest of Hollywood. That doesn't mean this cartoon is crap. I'm 33, been watching Disney cartoons and movies since pretty much the day I was born, and have Tron to thank for me decided what I wanted to study in college, back in 1980, computer graphics. Because of that movie I never questioned what I wanted to do with my life. Because of Snow White I pretty much fell in love with Disney cartoons because of the attention to detail and the high quality artwork. Because of my love for Disney, I did my presentation in computer graphics class on Disney.

As for Kim Possible, that started with Alias was in full force. Kim Possible was Disney's answer to Alias. It was the clean, family friendly version that even little kids could watch. Alias wasn't for anyone under the age of 13 and I'm being generous there. I'm not entirely sure 13 year olds should watch it, I know I've seen the entire series, am a huge fan.

the Proud Family was also better than you guys are giving it credit for. So you didn't like it, big deal, there are plenty of other folks that did. The animation for it was interesting, same with the Replacements (from what I've seen on youtube). The proud family did something that probably wasn't done before in any other Disney cartoon, they kept the backgrounds simple and focussed on the characters and storyline. I was going to say 101 Dalmations was similar but then I remmebered it was actually different.

The current animation trend right now is anime. I personally am sick and tired of seeing anime and hate all the cartoons on Nickelodeon. Not only are they crude, but they're really stupid and the style is rediculous. What happend with a more traditional style of drawing?

From what little I've seen of the Replacements, it's way better than anything on Nickelodeon and all the crappy anime remakes of the cartoons I grew up on. *shudders at thought of the Bugs Bunny remake she saw the other day*

There's one thing Disney has done well and that is to keep changing things visually. You'll notice that not all of their animated movies look the same. If they did then they'd be very boring. Disney has always employed the best artists and it shows. I like how they use different styles each time. Snow White looked different from 101 Dalamations, just like Toy Story looked different from the Incredibles and Monsters Inc.

As for entertainment vs heart, as I said, Disney's main audience are kids under hte age of 10. Those are the ones that get the warm fuzzy cartoons. Speaking from expereince here, once you get past a certain age, generally when you hit 13, you want something entertaining, not something childish like Winnie the Pooh or Rolly Polly Olly (I have nephews under the age of 11, I know these things).

As an adult, even though I'm watching the Replacements for 1 reason alone, David McCallum, the voice of C.A.R., I really don't want to watch a crappy Nickeloden cartoon. Those make my brain ooze out of my ears, they're so bad. I know I have watched them with said nephews. I'd rather watch something better, even something that isn't typical Disney, but that's still Disney none the less.



You missed the point of my post, it was a general one aimed at the 25+ threads on here that are nothing but the same complaints over and over again. If you're all going to complain about it, why not be courtious and do it all in the same thread. As for you trying to get sympathy out of me, I've got news for you kid, things were worse when I was your age. I have only had cable for 10 years now. Even though there were some cable stations when I was a teenager, I had never seen them once. Not even MTV. Nothing! I had to rely on what was on broadcast tv, which meant a total of 7, count them, 7 channels! You know what I did when there was nothing to watch? I went outside and ran around. I read a book, drew, talked with friends, hung out with friends. I didn't even have Atari or any other game system that was out back then. We didn't have the internet to spend countless hours on. Occasionally I went to the arcade with a friend. I lived in the city and didn't have mommy and daddy to drive me around all the time. I either walked, rode my bike or took the bus anywhere I went by myself or with my friends. That's the way things were when I was your age.

We had nothing! But we survived, just like you're all going to live without new shows aimed at you.

You told me you won't spend money to watch old shows, well then if there's nothign on and you want to watch clean family friendly shows, then what are you going to do? You'll have to do something, because according to you, you can't watch Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon and now you can't watch Disney.

Don't try and blame you're bad behavior on your lack of role models. Yes that plays a part in it, but you all have to take responsibility for your own actions. To place the blame on a tv show, song, video, whatever, won't do you any good in any way. Once I turned 16 I had to get a job and I spent less time watching tv between school and work. I was too busy to spend hours watching tv. I then had to find the time to do my homework either at work, school if possible (which wasn't since I didn't have any free periods to get caught up on my school work) or home. You try working 2 part time jobs and going to school fulltime. You see how much tv you'll watch when you're out of the house 7 days a week either working, going to school or both. You try finding the time to do homework when you're that busy.

Don't gripe to me about coming here to releive stress. You sound so pathetic if you're stressing over a cartoon.

As for what I know of the cartoon, I've managed to see a couple clips from it online and from what I've seen (and I'm a good judge of these things, hence why I spend my free time volunteering in production at church) looks good. People trust my judgement on things like this.

To bring this back full circle, this is what I came here to find. You now see why I posted a long post about all your griping and why I basically told you all to quit it.

Subject Started by Replies Latest Posting
Disney doesn't make cartoons like they used to ofuoku71 14 2 hours ago
Rate This Show!!! thekritketch 16 2 hours ago
this was the BIG SURPRISE? oktrae1 4 1 day ago
Come on, it wasn't that bad ashley85617 12 1 day ago
Mebe we should get a petition going??? kylenuss 9 1 day ago
weird theme song froognoop 1 2 days ago
Disney - STOP MAKING ANIMATED SHOWS! homesrfan 12 3 days ago
love this show?? brandonetaylor 1 3 days ago
Disney has gone to the dogs!!!! brandonetaylor 1 3 days ago
how stupid is this show!?! art1234 4 6 days ago
Oh just wut we need! anyone else disgusted? melunna 18 Tue Aug 1 2006 19:00
About New Show ange14_hippo 4 Mon Jul 31 2006 19:34
Dissapointed? Come here i_love_dc_sprouse 21 Mon Jul 31 2006 18:46
Dump Cartoons- Keep New live Shows-Add Zoog! stinkyuu 0 Sun Jul 30 2006 23:34
I got some news from the T.V Show The Replacements kylenuss 1 Sun Jul 30 2006 18:47
Dont watch this show! grahamcrackerlove 4 Sun Jul 30 2006 17:45
What a stinker! gigik2 1 Sun Jul 30 2006 14:36
will get old fast lilwilly005 2 Sat Jul 29 2006 19:40
Bad on the first impression Idoy 2 Sat Jul 29 2006 17:11
Why? Drumkid2792 2 Sat Jul 29 2006 15:53
WHAT ARE THEY THINKING! Drumkid2792 1 Sat Jul 29 2006 13:18
This was the suprise! carazyhamster 4 Sat Jul 29 2006 09:40
Disney gave it away wwckyd 3 Sat Jul 29 2006 09:07
Ummmm...º¿º Go_Green_Team 1 Sat Jul 29 2006 08:05
help me understand the theme song someone_corporate182 2 Fri Jul 28 2006 21:38
at least.. gina_loves_lil_chickens 1 Fri Jul 28 2006 20:18
OMG!!!!! iceguy234 1 Fri Jul 28 2006 19:08
THE WORST SURPRISE EVER!! MyKimmyNameIsHi 3 Fri Jul 28 2006 19:05
So im guessing....... Vero_Kute 1 Fri Jul 28 2006 18:09
What's this about? rica2005 4 Thu Jul 27 2006 01:44

I bolded the ones that are nothing but gipe sessions. You can see there are 17 threads that are the same thing. That's 17 out of 30. I'm sure you can do the math without me having to do it for you to see that that's not good. Instead of starting a new thread just to complain, post your complaints to one so that those of us that are tuning into the show for other reasons don't have to scroll through page after endless page of this dreck. Show some common courtesy will you?



You can still go out on do things if you don't have friends. I didn't have many, in fact I had even less true friends and I stll went out/got away from the tv.

Regarding the quality tv bit. Just so you know what I used to watch growing up... (I saw all these in the 70s and 80s btw)

Starsky and Hutch
Dave Allen at Large
Doctor Who
Battle of the Planets
Speed Racer
Superfriends (probably every single episode)
GI Joe
Thunder Cats
Battlestar Galectica
Falcon Crest
the A-Team
Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Those are just some of the shows I used to watch. You'll notice there are more that aren't considered clean shows, yet we watched them because that's what we had.

And yes, you can force someone to not watch tv. It's called rules. You set rules and make the kid do something more productive. Otherwise the kid is fat, in no shape at all, setting himself up for an early grave. Watch "Honey We're Killing the Kids" sometime to see how serious that is.



You do know that there are alternatives to maintream children's/teens shows right? If you really want something good for him to watch then try moving to the Christian market, or as I said before, rent/buy the older shows.

Just because Hollywood isn't producing anything good right now doesn't mean you can't watch the older stuff.

SHOOT there are 2 shows that I love that aren't on DVD and for the life of me/us fans, we have no idea why. Scarecrow and Mrs. King and the Man from U.N.C.L.E. There are days where I want to watch something but since there's nothing on (usually weekends as those are the only days I have to spend more than a couple hours watching tv/veg), I'll pop in either an SMK tape (off tv) or MFU tape or homemade DVD. I love watching the old shows because they are better than a good chunk of the crap that's on tv right now.

You said you won't spend the money on the older stuff, then don't complain. I've given you options to alternatives but you just brush them off saying you won't spend the money. Well then that's your problem. Don't try to guilt me into anything because I don't like it when people do that. It also doesn't work. I won't let anyone guilt me into anything.

Don't blame Disney or anyone else for that.


This is my last post...... to you that is.

I just came on this board to agree that disney makes crap now. Not to say, oh, I'm not gonna watch it yadie, yada, yada. We need to start a petition! No, this whole board is us talking about how we miss it. We are here to reminisk about the good times, not complain. Why the heck are you even wasting your time to stop us from doing this. This is a public board! We can post anything we want!!!! If you don't like it, LEAVE!!!!! Obviously you want to stir something up, why else would you come back constantly to reply angrily at my posts!!!!!!

Have a nice day.


I dunno when the last time they played AYAOFTD on tv, but it aired in '92. They probably stopped airing it around when I was in third or fourth grade. btw I'm going into 9th grade next monday. yep I'm going to be Freshmeat.



I agree with you guys,The Only show I actually liked was phil of the future,I dont really like any disney shows besides POTF at all

I dont even like...
(Hannah Montana fans and Raven Fan's, Dont read this.)
Hannah Montana and That's So Raven, I find them anoying to me, but thats my thought

---------------- Read this to know what happend to ravens mom.

