MovieChat Forums > The Replacements (2006) Discussion > A reason why this show sucks.

A reason why this show sucks.

OKAY. We all know that this show will suck. I even have a reason! For one, it looks like the concept of this show, is that if there is someone in their lives that they don't like, they just ring someone and 'replace' them. I'm sure it might go into morally adding that they finally realize that they don't need to replace that person - the replacement is much worse. But in the end, the concept is clearly retarded. You can never replace someone or something in your life. And even if you could, then you will never understand to respect that someone or something and be appericiative of it. It's obvious that the two poorly drawn cartoon characters on this show will never achieve character devolpment due to the fact that this show is centered on replacing people. And also, people will never look at "what if they where replaced?" how would someone f uck ing feel if they where replaced by someone else? Not only would could that person any longer apperciate the fact that they are alive, they would also know that someone else does not approve of their existance. Therefore the replaced people COULD eventually become suicidal. HOWEVER, because this ugly cartoon will obviously never be able to reach that reality/depth it is thus extermely unrealistic and gives nothing towards morals. So don't even bother watching. I got all of that out of the commerical. Imagine the actual show. And it looks very predicatable as well. Disney Channel fails at cartoons. I can only cringe at the hideously drawn American Dragon crap, and none of it is even funny. Post your opinions.


While I definitely dislike this show too, I think Disney is trying to point out that you should be happy with what you have. I saw one episode and, after they replaced the person, it just made everything worse. Since the show is aimed at a young audience, I don't think you're supposed to think through it all because I don't think they wanted a show with a lot of "depth", really. But I agree with your other points, just wanted to throw in what I thought. The reason I think this show is horrible is because I find its concept is way too strange...who would ever think up a show about replacing people? Also, the whole thing looks like a show from Cartoon Network with the weird humor. I guess that's okay, but with all the other shows out right now, I'd think that their target audience was a bit older... Hmm, I guess we'll find out if its really that bad after we see a few episodes, but that's my opinion.

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ ..•´ Brooklyn -:¦:-
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[qyote]I find its concept is way too strange...who would ever think up a show about replacing people?[/quote]

An adult who knows what it's like to have to deal with people they'd rather not. If only I could pick up a phone and replace my boss, or better yet, get a better paying job (I should add, those were regarding my last job, not my current one). You can't replace people in reality, not like on the show, but you can at least do something about some situations. Bad job, look for another one, for instance.


I find its concept is way too strange...who would ever think up a show about replacing people?

An adult who knows what it's like to have to deal with people they'd rather not. If only I could pick up a phone and replace my boss, or better yet, get a better paying job (I should add, those were regarding my last job, not my current one). You can't replace people in reality, not like on the show, but you can at least do something about some situations. Bad job, look for another one, for instance. Adults have those options at least. Kids don't all they can do is make the best of their situations.

You have 2 kids that are orphans who want better lives. They can't snap their fingers and magically get new parents. Same goes with their coach, teachers, etc.

You'll find when you're an adult you have a lot more options than when you were kids. In college you have the option of dropping a class if it's not right for you. With work, if you're lucky you can find another job while you're still at the one you hate/need to leave. If you work for a large enough company and they hire within first, then you can always apply for a position in another department (if you need to leave the one your in for whatever reason).

Basically you can do more and have more options as an adult than kids do.


I understand how kids would want to replace their teachers and coaches, etc. but it's just too strange for me, personally. If you like the show, that's fine, but for me it's just not something I would watch just because I don't find the concept too's just not something I could get into.

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ ..•´ Brooklyn -:¦:-
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Apparently you've never read a comic book.

The idea of someone replacing people with a phone call isn't that out there. I remembered Dial H for Hero earlier today.

Dial H for Hero is a comic book feature published by DC Comics about a mysterious dial that enables an ordinary person to become a superhero for a short time. The dial causes its possessor to become a new superhero with a different name, costume and powers each time it is used. These superheroes are usually brand-new, but on one occasion the dial caused its owner to become a duplicate of an existing superhero, Plastic Man.

Not exactly the same as the Replacements, but similiar enough.


That's my point...the OP stated why she didn't like this show, and I told why I didn't also. All I'm saying is it's really not something I can get into because I don't read comic books and it doesn't seem like a show I'd enjoy. I'm not trying to say that this show is too weird for everyone, but, for me personally, I just don't enjoy this type of show.

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ ..•´ Brooklyn -:¦:-
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