Old Disney Shows

The old Disney channel shows were great, they were actually worth watching,It wasn't all about singing and dancing!! Some new shows are good like Hannah Montana and Suite Life of Zack and Cody. There coming op with crummy stuff like The Replacements. on the premiere night alone it got 1.2 million viewers how many people watched it?



I don't watch abckids anymore because they replaced Lilo and Stitch the series with this
stupid show.

Hey Bob! They've got arms!
-Larry the cucumber.


r u danielle h.....form oregon? i would laugh so hard if u were.

Steve Irwin RIP. We Will Miss You. God bless.


The old Disney shows are better than the crap they put on these days.




The old Disney channel shows were great, they were actually worth watching,It wasn't all about singing and dancing!! Some new shows are good like Hannah Montana and Suite Life of Zack and Cody. There coming op with crummy stuff like The Replacements. on the premiere night alone it got 1.2 million viewers how many people watched it?

I posted this on another thread when someone claimed the Replacements only had "1.2 million viewers" on premier night.

Apparently you're lazy and stupid. learn to do a search before you post any information like that.


-The Replacements Scores on Disney Channel:
New original series The Replacements on Disney Channel debuted on Friday, Sept. 8 as the most-watched animated series premiere to-date on the cable net in kids 6-11 (2.06 million) and tweens 9-14 (1.53 million), and the second most-watched in total viewers (3.60 million) behind only Lilo & Stitch: The Series (on Oct. 12, 2003). Coupled with The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Hannah Montana (original episodes and encores), Disney Channel was home to Friday's top 5 most-watched basic cable programs in total viewers.

and one more thing, learn to spell. There is a difference between They're, There, and Their. Do you know the difference between them? Apparently not.


Geez Batwoman.....so damn harsh.

Rest in Peace Mate


What did you expect after 20+ threads of you kids doing the same thing? I'm sick and tired of seeing thread after thread on here by you spoiled brats posting the same thing. Especially when you don't bother to do a little research to get correct information, in this case the correct ratings that the Replacements gathered. It took me less than 5 minutes and 1 google search to find those stats. I did that on a day I worked 11.5 hours with no breaks or lunch. I woke up at 5 and was at work by 6. Spent nearly 6 hours on my feet at work in a very noisy room with a printing press going all morning printing my paper. While the press was running, I got very dirty making sure the bound papers were ready for my drivers then got them out the door. After that I ran out and took care of whatever work I could for the afternoon. I woke up early the next day and spent part of the morning loading vans with various things, took them to their new home, unloaded, went back for my car then drove down to a burb aprox. 50 miles southwest of me to clean up the disrtibution centers there, take care of a couple service calls and only grabbed a bite to eat as I drove to my last DC before I could stop at the office and finally come home, because I was too hungry to go another 10 full hours without anything.

In other words, despite all I do on a daily basis, I'll take the extra time (which is nothing now that we have the web, compared to what it was like when I was a kid and we had no interent, much less personal computers, before I post information like that.


I'm not saying I don't agree with you, because I highly dislike that too, but just take a tiny bit of a chill pill will you?

Rest in Peace Mate


It's not a freaking big deal at all, Batwoman. Sheesh.
What does your day have to do with ANYTHING?

Movie last seen in theaters: Monster House
Favorite movie: The Producers


I was pointing out that despite having a long, busy day, I still did a little research and found the real/correct ratings. Unlike you and others that post false information.

Its called google.
