still complaining?

Its funny how you idiots can sit there and bitch about a cartoon show, when its not even meant for you anyways. Nor do you seem to have enough *beep* common sense to change the damn channel? is it that hard? OMG I DUNT KNOW HOW TO USE THA REMOTE SO I GUEZ ILL JUS BITCH BOUT DIS SHOW LOLZ
seriously, do you ever know when to shut the hell up? apparently not
let me tell you something, this show is more creative than your god damn IMDB usernames, which make me cringe just looking at them.... lack of creativity? how typical of teenagers lol

stop bitching about shows you dont like, stop using the caps lock to express yourself, (it makes you look like a *beep* moron) example: I H8T THIS SHOW!!!1111111ONEONEONEONEONE..

as a matter of fact this picture pretty much displays how intelligent you all seem to be


I think you just insulted the picture. ;P


I think that both sides should be mature and stop insulting each other. You like the show and they don't. What's there to go back and forth about?




i didnt delete *beep* you moron, a moderator did
it *beep* said so in the emails i got
and STFU and go watch your crappy shows
i dont love this show im just saying its not that
bad and im sick of everyone complaining

