A question...

I'm hot and cold with anime. I liked the original Ghost in the Shell (first DVD I ever rented) and love Cowboy Bebop, but I never cared for Inuyasha or Dragonball Z. Fullmetal Alchesmist is just sort of "okay" to me, though the animation was good. Maybe I just like sci-fi stuff more, so would I probably like Planetes?


I'm not a big anime fan (but I do enjoy all types of sci-fi), but I've not had any problems with this one. None of that fantasy stuff that seems to be around in most anime...while I wouldn't classify this as "hard core" sci-fi, there is some incredible attention to detail. It's obvious the creators of this series were striving for a level of realism that many of us who hold down day jobs can relate to.

Check it out...I don't believe you'll be disappointed.



