Adult Swim?

I was curious about this when it was released on DVD. Just looking up Lynch stuff now and read this "This is a short, crudely animated series by David Lynch (as it says in the beginning), and it follows the misadventures of a backwoods, overall-wearing large man, with a wife who has a stress disorder and an annoying son."

To me it sounds like it may have been an ispiration for the [AS] show "Squidbillies".

I will have to see these sometime.


I'd say it has more in common with 12 oz mouse. It would definitely fit well on [adult swim]. Whether that's a good thing or not...


yeah, the "crude" simple animation style made me think of 12 oz mouse as well.


its on dvd.
you can get it at best buy.


After watching Dumbland I am convinced that 12oz mouse was inspired by it, right down to the creepy musical interludes to the limited animation.


12 oz. Mouse always came across to me as Twin Peaks with the art style of Dumbland, at least once the story arc really got going.


Lynch copies no one, adult swim was mind opening at first then they ran out of material. Lynch is Lynch, like him or not, forget Adult Swim, enter the mind of Lynch and you either come back okay or you are lost forever.

Allow us to say that he is at the very least original.


It would be awesome if this made it to AS somehow. It would be better than having King of the Hill on there, which isn't even a bad show, just doesn't seem like a great fit.

#51"That's right, one can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items"
