MovieChat Forums > The Uninvited (2009) Discussion > What happened when Anna was half-naked.....

What happened when Anna was half-naked...

... on the bed? I did not get how it could have all been a misunderstanding when Anna was lying on the bed. And when Rachel sedated her? And what about all the sedative she found in her black satchel or whatever. Who has that if they didn't plan some mischief?


Yeah that part on the bed is kinda odd now. My guess is Rachel did not sedate her there, but for some reason she was lying on the bed while Rachel was grabbing some night clothes for her. Maybe someone else can explain?


My understanding was that Rachel and the Dad were equipped to handle Anna if she had a psychotic episode, so Anna really did go to the sheriff, and he called her family so they could take her home, and Rachel really did sedate her.


Well, as per the other post, she was half-naked so you could have Emily Browning in her underwear. That's not complicated. The scene might also have been a subtle homage to "Rosemary's Baby" where a well-meaning authority figure (a doctor) delivers a woman he thinks is mentally ill back to the satanic cult that really IS out to get her. But the truth is the opposite here.

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Rachel was a nurse.
When Anna went to the sherriff telling the story about Mildred Kemp and how her step mother was evil the sherriff knowing Anna just got released from a mental hospital.The sherrif called Rachel to come and get her.
Rachel sedated her to make sure Anna wouldn't be a harm to herself or others and took her home.
Since Rachel was a palliative care nurse she knew how to take care of people who had limited mobility so she was undressing Anna planning to put her in her pajamas and put her to bed.
No malicious intent, it was only meant to seem malicious from Annas perspective because Anna had delusions about who and what Rachel really was.


That does all make sense to me now BUT...wouldn't the cop have to follow protocol and call the father to tell him "This is what just happened with your daughter"?

The father comes home not knowing anything has happened at all so why didn't the cop or even Rachael call him to tell him what happened with Anna?


That does all make sense to me now BUT...wouldn't the cop have to follow protocol and call the father to tell him "This is what just happened with your daughter"?

The father comes home not knowing anything has happened at all so why didn't the cop or even Rachael call him to tell him what happened with Anna?

Bear in mind that real life has less attendance to protocols than in movies (or as much). That said, they probably did call the father which is probably why he gets home later that night and he himself might have cleared Rachel. Other than that, Anna's condition was known, she just called for her dead sister and Rachel was a nurse.

When father gets home, he probably knows that Anna had a break but is ofc oblivious to the killing. The thing is that he had no time to say anything as the very first sight of him getting home is her daughter covered in blood and saying nonsense. So, suspension of disbelief for me was intact as the scenario was believable.

All in all I found this a good movie, I don't get the flak it gets, seems like hate for hating. Sure, some interactions were a little odd, like Rachel and father not handling very well a fresh-from-ward girl, but then again, people in general don't handle much stuff well either.
