MovieChat Forums > The Uninvited (2009) Discussion > Anna doesn't seem nearly as broken as Su...

Anna doesn't seem nearly as broken as Su-mi

1) If you have watched both movies did you noticed that Anna seems to be doing pretty fine?
There is only one scene I think where she cries. But Su-mi from the other movie is really broken, there are many scenes where she is screaming or crying.

2) Who do you think had it worse? Anna or Su-mi?

Anna indirectly killed her sister and her mother.
Su-mi feels guilt because she was not looking for her sister. But it was not her fault that she died.

Which circumstance would broke a person more?


Not at all. You can actually feel Su Mi pain and you feel extremely sad for her, with Anna I just couldnt get into it. There was no emotion of pain or loss in her character, which was very difficult to feel for her or actually feel anything. Anna was just bland. In my opinion this remake really made absolutely no justice to the original masterpiece of A Tale Of Two SIsters.


Anna and Su-Mi are also very different characters, in case you missed the last 20 minutes of this movie.


In my opinion, they can't really be compared. Su-mi is more emotionally distraught because of the guilt she feels over her inaction. Anna is emotionally distraught as well, maybe even more so, due to her forcibily repressing the unwanted memories. She would most likely be just as hysterical and "broken" if she had remembered that she was really the cause of her mother and sisters deaths.
