
this movie is garbage. Nobody would act the way these two girls do when they discover the truth. Why did they both not immediately go to the police when they discover Rachel is not who she says she is? Fraud is a felony. They don't need any other proof. They have proof. They're so dumb.


Okay, so I posted before I saw the whole thing...but still. Anna is nuts, but she still had proof that Rachel was a fraud. She's still a dum dum.


Lol....ok, so I posted again before the rest of the movie ended. I'm a dum dum. Lol


Perhaps you should actually watch a movie before coming here to post an opinion about it.

Respect what you have 🌌


At least you admitted the mistake and can laugh at yourself! I wish more people would


Wow you really are something else, 3 times ...3 times you fooled yourself LOL

It's just a film!! Chilllllllllll


You are not dumb. They set it up that way. The whole time they wanted us to believe the stepmother (to be) was the villain.

And she was actually quite villainous. Playing with the head of a very sick girl. It was her fault for seducing the father of two young girls who's mother was dying. How selfish and cruel.

She caused all of this and then instigated Anna's psychosis while pretending she was a good person. The father was a selfish ass hole. He cared nothing about his daughters. Yeah, his wife was dying and the poor thing needed sex. Fine. But you have two young, suffering, children and you totally disregard them??



The movie is bad and its nothing like the original movie A Tale Of Two Sisters. But you are dumber than this movie, you shouldnt comment if you havent seen the whole thing. Your judgement in movies is what it should called Garbage.


This is an excellent movie that is well written, well shot, well acted and well directed.

You are really stupid to come in repeatedly commenting on a movie that you haven't even finished watching. I would honestly delete this embarrassing thread.
