Your favorite 'dwarf'

Which of the 7 guys were your favorite? I loved George hes so cute. Especially when he says "but your pretty Sydney" I just went "Awww"


Either Lenny or George. George was adorable, but I also thought Lenny was really sweet too.

Max + Liz = Dreamer 4ever
Edward + Bella = Team Edward 4ever


Lenny and George. They were cute and adorable I would definitely choose George over the "Prince". Cause Matt Long ain't that hot, but Jack Carpenter is definetly a gorgeous guy!!!



Jack Carpenter played 'Lenny'; Arnie Pantoja was 'George.'


Hmm, hard one. I loved them all.. but i guess Gerkin, :) and Jeremy :P


George. I loved his inability to tie a knot.


George, hands down
They were all awesome, and I loved Lenny too, but George is just the cutest little thing! xD


Lenny was the most dateable


i love terrence lol he so awkward and when they're a tthe party

do you think they have the doctor who theme song?
thats ohk i bought my own!

i almost peed my pants

and george is funny too!


I love them all, but my favorites are Jeremy & Lenny...then Terrence, George, Gurkin, Spanky (Little Rascals, haha), & Embele.
