Are you serious?

I watched the trailer. A bunch of hillbillies wanted to make it rich in Iraq. Then they wonder why they got shot at? Where did they think they were going??? They were going into a WAR ZONE. I went to Iraq, because my orders told me so, because I was active duty Armed Services. I saw these truck drivers, with ZZ Top beards and cowboy hats and everything. They knew the hazards. And they got paid 10 times what I got paid, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them? Negative.


You didn't see the film???

Yet you're pontificating your deep insights anyway. Thanks pal, I value your uninformed opinion.


You didn't see the film???

Yet you're pontificating your deep insights anyway. Thanks pal, I value your uninformed opinion.

saidey, you're such a tool. So what if he didn't see the film? He saved some time and money by only viewing the trailer, and still very much got the gist of what the filmmaker was trying to accomplish. Anyway, the simple fact that he's been there and you haven't elevates his opinion above yours. So buh-bye now.


If you had bothered to watch the movie you'd know that the fact that they got paid 10 times what you did (If not more) is the point of the whole movie. Contractors are getting paid ludicrous amounts of money, they do a horrible job and no one holds them accountable.

The taxpayers get screwed, the troops get really screwed, and the lawmakers are looking the other way.

Do yourself a favor, and watch the movie.



Why were the majority of Iraq War vets in the '06 elections running as Democrats then? I guess it's not going anymore.

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky




then it's time to start up the draft for "all" able bodied Americans.


I think the OP should take 75 minutes and watch this film. The "hillbillies" comment is distasteful. Those men lost their lives because they were basically pawns of a greedy corporation. They applied as contractors because they wanted to contribute to the rebuilding of Iraq.

The exploits of KBR, Titan, CACI, etc make valid reasons for socialism. Corporate greed left unchecked is disastrous.

Human Beings...Wow

