Only 31?

The shooting was only 15 years ago? I don't really buy Uma as being 31 and how old is the husband supposed to be? He looks to be around late 40's. They should've made it 20 or even 25 years ago.


I haven't seen the movie in a while but I remember that when she was a teenager she saw her future husband at some sort of a lecture that he was giving. This making him older than she was and putting him into his mid to late 40's.



I agree on the age. It could have been more plausible to cast an actress who could pull of looking 17, and looking 32.

As for her husband. He was an older professor that she was starting to date before her death.


Uma Thurman playing a 31 year old? LMAO. I am 30 and I look young enough to be her daughter! Also, she is not beautiful enough to play an adult Evan Rachel Wood. I mean, come on!
