New Poirot!! This is the best news for ages, and I've been waiting to see Suchet do this one too. Let's hope he hurries up and gets them all made soon! A mini-series of the Labours Of Hercules would be outstanding!



"This is a VIDEO GAME! You knuckle dragging retard!" - Voetsek

That is a little much! Why can't people be nice for once?

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


Oh so it's a video game.... I am new to this and didn't realise what VG meant

Bit strong really though, wasn't it? I mean, sounds like that guy has real issues. Let's hope he/she/it doesnt work in some kind of teaching capacity


Indeed. I hate people like 'him'; sadly IMDB consist of thousands of 'guys' like 'him'.

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


Don't worry, they are doing it anyway! Hurrah!

Very sorry. That last hand... nearly killed me.
