A flash mob dance? In 2016? Really?!?

Poor Josh Flagg... he's my least favorite, well actually he just pulled ahead of Madison, but I do feel sorry for him. His boyfriend Bobby looks... uninterested, to say the least, while Josh stares at him all starry eyed. Then Josh whisks him to Paris, along with his parents (how romantic), and hires a flash mob. Wow, I haven't seen one of those since, what, 2009?

I do sincerely feel sorry for Flagg, and hope he wakes up soon. He can do better than Bobby.


For women, it's called "the rebound!" He's truly jumping into this relationship to fast after being with Colton for 8+ years IIRC!  

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I don't know how genuine most of this show is. But I really like Flagg and admired the hell out of his grandma Edith.

Hope he's made the right choice. Edith would have told him, and Josh would have listened to her.


Yeah a flash mod is so tacky. Lol


It made them happy. That's what counts.

