MovieChat Forums > The Stepfather (2009) Discussion > Heartthrob with a normal body.

Heartthrob with a normal body.

Any guys see this and feel good knowing that the lead actor has a normal body (tiny slight handles and no 6 pack, just lean). As it is beach time now, it is good to know that you dont have to starve yourself to be hunky. Good to see hollywood going for normal body slash handsome face look.



I remember watching a short lived tv show that only probably I and 3 households watched called Hot or Not. Yes, basically based on the internet site of the same name, just like now there are talks of them making Facebook tv programs or movies. Any way, the one subtle part that I thought was priceless was when the Simon Cowell-like judge gave high praises to a fresh face boi with natural curves while while the other contestants gave crazy looks as if to say, either I lifted all those weights all those years to be disrespected like this in some cases and others , I starved myself for all those years just to be disrespected like this. The quote mean judge guy unquote gave a short essay on how this is how hott is and 6 packs always look too severe and hurtful in his opinion.


soemthimes it all looks the same, hooray for normal bodies!


i dont know. he looked like he had a better than a normal body IMO


As a gym rat I know he had an average at best, and considering his youth, a below average body. J. Timberlake, R. Gosling, and A. Kutcher have tiny waists and upper body muscles. The Stepfather guy actually had small love handles, but unlike Channing Tatum movies where they use slick angles to hide it or where he trains rigorously to lose his, they just filmed this guy normal.


This guy is very cute, and has a great body IMO.

I just watched this movie today, he's so hot.


Lol. This guy doesn't have a below average body. As a gym rat you're not seeing average guys, you're seeing average guys who actually bother to go to the gym. Guys who don't go to the gym at all do not look like that guy.



His bod was definitely above average.
