
This is driving me crazy. I know this is based on a move from 1987, that was based on a real guy, but...

I read a book when I was younger that was called "The Stepfather." There was a cat lady neighbor, the America's Most Wanted thing, although they called it something generic in the book, and... now I can't remember the other thing that had me feeling the deja vu.

Anyway, I can't find the book anywhere on the internet. Every search just leads me to info on this movie, or the original. I just had my 10 year reunion, and I read the book somewhere between 6th and 8th grade (around the same time I read the book for I Know What You Did Last Summer, before it was ever a movie).

I'm just confused because I can't find the book anywhere. Has anyone seen it, know who wrote it, can help me find it?

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.


Maybe you have the title wrong. Check these ones maybe:

Righteous Carnage: The List Murders, Timothy B. Benford and James P. Johnson

Death Sentence: The Inside Story of the John List Murders, Joe Sharkey

Collateral Damage: The John List Story, John E. List

Thou Shalt Not Kill, Mary S. Ryzuk
