MovieChat Forums > The Stepfather (2009) Discussion > best line ive heard for a while

best line ive heard for a while

"Shes actually not that much younger than you.....SHE JUST TAKES BETTER CARE OF HERSELF" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, no wonder she divorced him.

I'm the saddle.


She had that coming for picking the fight with him to begin with.


Classic line


hahaha Jay = win. The mom = needed to die violently from the hammer and the meat tenderizer and the knives.

Im the boss.


Their marriage, though ended, obviously had lots of leftover emotional baggage that hadn't been resolved. too bad, that's a great way to sabotage future relationships too

one thing about movies that depict after the divorce, never shows what both spouses were like when the marriage started going bad. Never an excuse for an extramarital affair (just get out of the marriage first if you want to $crew around) but gotta wonder, how was perfect Susan conducting herself while married when Jay went astray

even she agreed when Beth said it wasn't all dad's fault



nah the best line was........ "Who am I here?" o.O

Leader of the Detective Matthews Army.


Yes, that was crazy!



That "who am I here ??" made more sense in the original film because he had already started to establish life with a new family. In this remake, he kills one family, then trolls for another one. The original David was too needy to do that. He waited until he had a new family to go to before he got rid of the current one.

I'm a Lieutenant Detective in, uh, Homicide. That's a fancy name for murder.
