MovieChat Forums > The Stepfather (2009) Discussion > Uncomfortable pool makeout session

Uncomfortable pool makeout session

Who does that with their girlfriend at their parents house in full view of them? They were practically having sex and all the mom can say is, "kids will be kids". So uncomfortable. I cant see how anybody would ever actually do this. I actually agreed with the step dad, not only should they not have been doing that, they should have felt really awkward doing it in front of everybody in the first place.

The stepdad was actually the most reasonable character in this movie full of idiots.


The mom doesn't mind having sex with David loudly enough for the son to hear it in his bedroom.

So clearly discretion was not her strong suite.

At least she's not a hypocrite expecting her son to do what she can't be bothered to do.


Definitely cring worthy. What Mom wants to see her son half naked in the pool making out with his almost naked gf? Not a good one! I was actually agreeing with the psycho murderer.
