Animal Cruelty?

Wouldn't feeding your dog a vegetarian diet be considered animal cruelty? Especially a dog that size. Dogs are carnivores by nature. That's fine for you, but you're making that choice for the dog. Time to call PETA.


Cats are carnivores, dogs are omnivores. They're scavengers, not hunters, they can survive on anything.


I thought the same thing actually. Like Wil's Character says "that sucks".


Actually, no, dogs are not carnivores; they're omnivores, and can live just fine on a veggie diet. Now, cats on the other hand, they ARE carnivores, and a veggie diet cannot sustain them. Raw meat is not good for them either tho...


Don't people make choices for their dogs everyday? When to feed it? When to walk it? If you let it sniff other dog's butts? Whether it sleeps on the floor or in your bed? When to let it out to go pee? Shouldn't dogs be able to make those decisions for themselves?

Animal cruelty my ass. Not to mention what a joke PETA is.



My comment was more tongue in cheek. I just can't believe a dog would eat tofu and broccoli. But then again, it is a dog. My husband's childhood dog died from eating a bunch of rocks.


tofu and broccoli doesn't sound a very balanced diet, however there are more than a few vegetarian or vegan dog foods out there.

not gonna argue the merits of a vegi diet.

however given the opertunity most dogs will eat fruit and veg given the chance. My dog steals carrots and onions, begs for apple cores and will take any bit of veg offered to him. I do feed a general diet, which has some meat in it (its cheap but good quality) but has a large percentage based on vegetable and cereal basis.




No, what he said was intelligent, now your comment on the other hand would be from an idiot.


Dogs are not obligate carnivores. Your dog would die sooner if you fed him that over the counter grocery store, corn and newspaper crap than if you fed him a healthy, vegetarian diet.

My dogs are both vegan, live on Natural Balance Vegetarian Formula dog food and are the healthiest dogs to ever walk into a vet clinic when they get their shots.




I thought this was going to be about suffocating your pet jellyfish in fresh water and then thrashing around on it and squishing it a bit.


I agree! That jellyfish had a lot more to worry about than the tofu-fed dog.

Maybe in his next life, Tim/Ben will have to start donating tentacles.


I had the same thought! I'm sure Mr. Jelly didn't survive the ice bath.


I thought this was going to be about suffocating your pet jellyfish in fresh water and then thrashing around on it and squishing it a bit.

My New Film:


hahaha...I thought the thread was about when Ben fed the fish to the jellyfish!


My dog just spits out fruits and veggies, she says to me "eww yucky-poo!". So she lives off of dog food and whatever pieces of my meals (except for salads) I'm willing to hand to her as I eat, major mooch she is.


I personally eat a vegan diet, although I would never feed my dog or cat a vegan/vegetarian based kibble. Do I think a dog can thrive off of a veg diet? Yes I do, but I do not think it is ideal. A person could probably survive quite a long time eating McDonalds every day as well, but again it would not be recommended. Also I can't imagine a Great Dane living off of tofu. Great Danes are already a breed that is prone to bloat, tofu would be a killer on their stomach.


Watch Super Size Me. You wont live long eating only McDonald's :)

Come after me, I'm a man, I'M 40!!!



kingsx03, that sounds like an EXCELLENT, well-balanced diet; your dogs are very lucky.
We have Whippets (hence the userID)...for those who don't know the breed, they are like a Greyhound, only smaller, about 20 inches at the shoulder. We feed a similar diet, but we also add amino acids to their food for good coat and a little extra sparkle in their eyes. (we have one in the show ring, and since she's 3 points from being a champion, the diet must be working)
And while any of my 3 will knock me down for a piece of apple, if they see a rabbit, the rabbit gets their vote any day.
Also, we've fed a raw diet with great success. Toss your pooch a (completely) raw drumstick and just watch what happens.
As long as your dog is healthy and happy, I think each owner should have the right to feed what they feel is best. And don't even get me started on PETA.

"Level head? I think mine's level, and yours is the one things would roll off of."


Feline creatures require pure meat, but canine species not necessarily.
Its actually a rather funny argument though. I'm curious what PETA's responce would be considering the contradiction :P


I figured the dog was a vegetarian because Emily was vegetarian, because like Emily, great danes are known to have heart problems and i'm pretty sure I've heard that meat, or at least red meat, is a risk factor for people (or dogs) with heart problems.
