marvl ultimate villian?

i was wondering who is the strongest villian in the marvel universe?

i am thinking Galactus or Onslaught? anythoughts?

"screw you guys, i'm going home"


I wouldn't really call Galactus a villian. He's a force of nature, like a hurricane. Just happens to be a little more destructive.

I'd say the Dark Phoenix, probably, or Thanos.


Dr. Doom,by far.



Yes, Doom is the best villain of the marvel universe.


Galactus would take the cake, but he's actually an entity. It would be like calling Death (the personification) a villain.

Doctor Doom has come close to taking over the world a few times, so he's up there. Thanos is insanelely powerful, so he is as well. Magus (evil Adam Warlock) is also up there. Magneto are also pretty high on that list, but he doesn't see himself as a villain. And let's not forget Scarlet Witch, who could be percieved as a villain, if only be circumstance, after Decimation. But probably, the most powerful villain in the Marvel Universe is Dark Pheonix. Or course, Thanos and Magus gives her a run for her money, since both have possesed the complete Infinity Gaunlet, and Scarlet Witch could wish her out of existance...
I am Jack's Wasted Life


We can say Doom is the most powerful yet he does take losses from MANY heroes like Spider-man, Iron Man, Luke Cage and even Squirrel Girl. However, when he has a goal he is a devestating villian with his knowledge of technology and sorcery.


Galactus is nor bad nor good. And doom has tooken over the world. So Thanos ptrobaly



I'd say Carnage. cause ya just can't stop the S.O.B

Chuck Norris HATES admins!


Did someone actually say that Galactus is NOT a villain ??

Where do you get that from? You should really check out some early F4 books from the late '60s and early '70s -- he is menacing and violent.

Comparing him to a natural disaster is not credible. Galactus is sentient; he does not just randomly strike like a natural disaster does. His herald finds him the next world to decimate.

Listen to MUA: "Galactus is not the least bit concerned about the people or worlds he destroys..."


Galactus does what he does to survive.

According to Mr Fantastic, Galactus is a force of nature and does vital things interms of the universe. Look it up on Wikipedia.

I prefer him to just be a villain but like most of Marvel's top bad guys they have to be 'good' at some point.

Venom, Magneto, Sabretooth. Heck even Moon Knight started out as a villain.


Even Punisher started out as a Villain


Dr. Doom would have to be one of the most overrated villians mentioned on this board. Sure he almost took over earth, by Earth is dumb. When you talk about the whole Marvel Universe then you have to think way beyond Earth.

Galactus is a good one, but there is the argument whether his intentions are villainous. Sure he kills billions of poeople with a single gulp, but he does it to survive. I've "killed" hundreds of chickens so that I can eat. But i'm a super hero not a villain.

I would have to say Thanos with the infinity gaunlet. Doom takes over the world, but Thanos controlled the universe. That's gotta count for something.


Dark Phoenix, Galactus, Onslaught, Thanos, Apocalypse, and maybe that time when the Carnage symbiote took over the Silver Surfer are the most powerful I can think of. Dr. Doom has powers, but it's not his powers that make him one of the most dangerous villians, his plans are always pretty good and hard to thwart.

Danny: How's Lurch?
Nicholas: He's in the freezer.
Danny: Did you say 'Cool off?'


Thanos. No doubt in my mind.


