Who's your team?

Mine is Storm, Deadpool, Spider-Man, and Elektra.

Why won't anyone admit Cloverfield can beat the crap out of Godzilla?


Black Panther, Luke Cage, Daredevil and Storm.


storm is always in my team


Hulk, Wolverine, Venom & Iron Man

Sometimes I'll swap out Venom & Iron Man with Doom & Thor.

Hulk kicks some serious butt when he's leveled up enough to have all of his abilities.


Well, ive alway's loved the big guy's so mine are Hulk,Thing,Vemon and Thor!


I especially prefer the bad@ss characters so my team is like:

Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Blade (sometimes changing with Cap) and the Silver Surfer!


Iron Man, Dr Strange, Iceman, and Human Torch/Ghost Rider. As with X men Legends 2, I chose mostly flyable characters. Iron Man I had in my team from the first opportunity to swap. The others I swapped in and out whenever I decided for a change in powers.

Florida! But that's Americas wang


Wolverine, Deadpool, Ironman, Electra & Human Torch. A kick arse team!



WarMachine, Wovlerine, Deadpool, Captain America and Invsible Woman (as a reserve/back up 5th member on the roster)


always the fantastic 4


Really? I found Mr Fantastic quite useless. But Johnny Storm I use on my team.

Florida! But that's Americas wang


I just got the game so I don't have all the characters but right now my team is Deadool, Spiderman, Wolverine, and Iceman

I want to add either Blade or Daredevil when I unlock them but I am not sure which current hero I will replace.


Deadpool, Iron man, Wolverine, Captain America

Deadpool is too cool for words


I always have Storm and Wolverine on my team.. other than them, anyone else would be OK.

"Don't milk the cat!"


Usually it consists Wolverine, Iceman, Human Tortch & Storm
I sometimes use MS Marvel in Binary Form.

However, I do wish to try to do this game with just Wolverine alone, I think it can be done.


Iron-Man,Human Torch and Ghost Rider.


I want my life back, and i want it now.


Thor, Deadpool, General Fury, Elektra...



human torch, ms marvel, iceman, and i forggot the last 1


My final team at the end of my last play through was Iron Man, Thor, Magneto, and Dr. Doom. I felt rightfully overpowered, though the only member I had on the team almost the entire time was Iron Man.


My team when I used to play it is

Mr Fantastic
Silver Surfer

Mr fantastic with his big fistson and totally max up with I think an item called gualets, he will kills nearly anyone on hard with nearly one blow. Proberly the best character in the game. Him or Thor!

Hulk using his abilities to go big is unstoppable, same applies with Thor with his rage mode he becomes crazy fast and kills opponents in seconds plus it builds up his special in 4-6 enemies and his special is one of the strongest in the game.

Silver Surfer blast takes enemies out plus hits them in a row so gets multiple hits

These guys working together as well get the highest possible hits as I've tried every conbination.

My other character is deadpool because I like him but his gun blast destroys anyone even bosses but loses too much magic doing it so the other characters are the best in the game without a doubt.

This is my opinion but I have tanned this game too death and there is no better four then these.


Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man, and Wolverine.

"I want Tong Po! Give me Tong Po!"


Wolverine, Iron Man, Blade and Deadpool

Ghost Rider, Johnny Storm, Thor and Colossus as well

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
