Who gave this film a one?

Because the film hasn't gotten a wide release in the US or anything and I'm pretty aware of who has seen the film and none of them found this film deserved a 1. Maybe not a 10, but defenatly not a one.




Nah, the only ones involved with Die and Let Live are Justin Channell and Zane Crosby who did some cameo voice work for this film.

You can find most info on Knight of the Living Dead either on www.ibs-entertainment.com or in the Fangoria article written about it, but we will be giving out more info to websites and people looking out for the film when it get's a US Distributor.

All I know so far about Die and Let Live is it's a Guy who is in love with a girl and makes a 'fake' party to get them to talk, however, a dangerous chemical mutates and changes a couple of EMO Kids into Zombies attacking everyone in sight (including Henriquette Cuoto) and then attack the party. Also in this film are Lloyd Kaufman (reprising his role from Justin's prior film Raising the Stakes) and Trent Haaga.

And with Knight, I do want it to get the review it deserves, if someone finds it horrible, I hope they'll right so rather then lie making me think that there's nothing wrong with the product (instead of bettering myself with the new information). Which is also I'm kinda disturbed that so many people have given it a zero since it hasn't been ofically released yet, and the people who saw the film were all from Iceland who liked it very much. Either people lie a lot to my face (and find the need to make a IMDb account and give it a zero) or some people have judged the film without seeing it.

"To the Ernest Borgnine Mobile!"

