MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2: Episode One (2006) Discussion > am i the only one that hates alyx?

am i the only one that hates alyx?

why is it that in every series, games or movies some marketing genius always has the idea of introducing a new hip sidekick character? i hate it when that happens. i played HL1 with freeman as a loner and now... bam!!! here's a sexy new character with a cool sounding name for you. the way i see it Alex (or alyx or whatever the fu*$k her name is) is to half life what Robin is to the Batman series.



You're not alone, I also hated her. Her lines make me wince.

Of all the Half-Life series, the best player interaction with NPC's was (I thought) towards the end of Blue Shift, where you helping out the scientists I thought was done extremely well.


What are you talkin about, Robin's bitchin.



why did you hate alyx actually? i never seen someone hate her before. why? do you like been alone? without chicks?


So you don't like hot, intelligent women around, huh?
It's hard to see you might be any different in real life, rainbowboy.


i dont like her much eithier

i feel valve kinda just dumped a handful of characters into Half Life 2 and expected us to believe their stories

some worked, like Barney, who was in Blue-Shift, and Dr. Kleiner, who is great comic relief

but others didnt, for me at least, like Alyx, who was never mentioned at all in the series, but is suddenly following me around and pretending to be useful

personally i think Alyx did nothing but slow me down, she was useless in combat and did nothing but point out the obvious (Ex.: "Watch out Gordon, Headcrabs!" "Watch out Gordon, Combine!" "Hey Gordon, looks like the gravity gun has been charged somehow!")

Alyx should have been a non-combat character or just been in one level, like Barney

Episode 1 for me was nothing but a cheap cop-out by Valve, nothing really happens except Gordon's freedom from G-man, which could have been the opening of Half Life or what will be half life episode 2



Ironically she's one of the LEAST sexist characters in computer games. That shows how guy-dominated the gaming world still is!

I'm not dying yet. I have to kill quite a few men first.


wow you guys are harsh on the hottie shes just a f uckin video game character for christs sake


She can be slightly annoying, but, well, how can I put this, anyone who "hates" a computer game character has slightly too much of an emotional investment if you ask me.

Oh, and she is neither hot nor intelligent, because she's not real.

"You're pretty sick, Chubbs."


I dotn like the alyx charactor becuase it is embarrassing to think they put in a hot female charactor (that flirts and gives varius hugs lol). It feels like they put her in there becuase people who play hl2 are sad girlfreindless geeks who only ever get any affection of a a piece of code (which is not true).

I'm just the coolset dumb dude you'll ever meet *put on matrix sunnies*


Ummm.....ok well,learn how to write,then come back with your "comment"
Alyx is awesome
+ = best partner EVER!


LoL didnt think this was a spelling contest, anyways do you how long ago that was and i must have been very tired at the time.

I'm just the coolset dumb dude you'll ever meet *put on matrix sunnies*


You can't hate Alyx Vance. She is my favourite female character in any game, as she is given brains instead of tits. Don't see that everywhere these days. And the actress doing her voice is really talented too, so Alyx Vance is teh win!

I'm norwegian, so you'll have to live with my english.
*Or else I'll go viking on your behind*


Not only does Merle Dandridge do a great job with the acting, but Alyx is intelligent, resourceful and a fighter, and her looks aren't the primary thing about her (but she's definitely not anything to sneeze at!). The best thing is that she's actually helpful, solving puzzles with you, taking part in combat... she might be the greatest video game sidekick EVER.


Some of you people need to CHILL OUT.

I sincerely doubt Alyx was put in to give random hugs and winks to the lonely nerds who play suppsedly play Half-Life and crave pixelated eye-candy. For a start if that was true she'd be sexier.

She's a realistic love interest for Gordon. She has wrinkles, cropped hair, boyish clothes. So for a start it's reasonable she would be attracted to the heroic Gordon. She's smart and brave, but also goofy and a bit clingy, so this all goes together to make her a believable and likable character.

It's like Maria in Silent Hill 2. She pretty, but has a little spare tyre round the waist and smudges on her skirt, while being very provocative. Her appearance worked on a whole lot of levels and suited the game she was in.

Just like Alyx suits the game she's in. I dismissed her as a typical hip, spunky heroine at first, but then she grew on me.

"Frankenstein was creator,not the monster.A common misconception held by all truly stupid people"


seronie you hit the nail on the head its just a freakin video game guys the developers put a love intrest in the game because they want a gripping story line and adding alyx is just another step to make you have more interaction and intrest in the characters, it has nothing to do with being girlfriendless or nerdy its just a story.


I thought that as far as sidekicks go, she progressed the storyline, made it more involving than one man and his crowbar and every now and then helped out with some zombies, which was needed as I'm severely trigger happy.

So I don't hate her, I don't really see how you would unless you were prejudiced against 'side kicks', though I'd rate her more as a supporting character, seeing how through most of HL2 she wasn't at your side (only just started playing episode one, it does seem to feature alyx more).

Nevertheless, I agree with the two above posters, she's supposed to be a realistic character to draw you further into the game and give some diversity to a series that has decided to evolve rather than stick its thumb up its arse.

I eat Lions


I think the game does a very good job of making you care about her. Shes just cute enough to be engaging without being ditsy. She is very helpful as alot of the time you are basically unarmed and she is the one killing everything. It also helps that she is invincible, because you tend to hate those you have to baby in video games.It is almost like a love story snuck into an action game, which takes balls because some players obviously just want to shoot things instead of caring about characters.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


She's almost invincible, but she can die. It takes a lot though. You basically have to let her get surrounded and then run off and not help her. Then, if it happens, after a while of totally deserting her the screen fades black and says "Alyx Died".
