MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2007) Discussion > Simply Leave and Stop Contributing

Simply Leave and Stop Contributing

I left "church" around fourteen or fifteen.

I simply walked out.

Poof! No more attendance or contributions.

Sue me! (shrug)


Sounds like a shrewd decision,problem is though most havnt this luxury of choice as family pressures/good old catholic guilt etc all have strangleholds on people,to simply leave and stop contributing for most is just unthinkable,sad really but fact.


Sounds like a shrewd decision,problem is though most havnt this luxury of choice as family pressures/good old catholic guilt etc all have strangleholds on people,to simply leave and stop contributing for most is just unthinkable,sad really but fact.
Nicely put.


It's important to formally break with the church too, on you are not counted as a follower when they give statistics.

There's formal ways to do has to do with letters to where you were baptized, and also somewhere higher up.

I'll look for the U.K. site that discusses it....though the process might be different here in America.


It's not as simple as all that. Some people don't have the choice to do that. Or will be disowned by their family if they do it. And how is a sexually abused pre-teen, who is afraid or ashamed to tell his/her parents about what's going on going to be able to choose to not attend church?
And some may still be very religious and WANT to go to church, because they fear for their "immortal soul".



I did the same thing when I was 5. The pastor was preaching about how if we don't believe in god we'll go to hell...blah blah blah. According to my mom, I stood up and I proclaimed, "That's not fair!!!!" and I ran out.

I was such a charming child.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


I was thrown out of (baptist) Sunday school at the age of 6 for asking where Cain and Abel got their wives. I went to adult church for two weeks, and decided I didn't believe. My family was very supportive. When I asked if I could stop going to church, we all stopped going. I am very lucky to have been raised by parents who weren't fanatical. I'm still the only atheist in the family. I think every Catholic should stop contributing to the church. Simply leave a note in the collection plate demanding the church stop playing shell games with pedophiles.



I don't believe in church, i was thrown in the basement of a baptist church here in the deep south for expressing my spirituality and devotion to my belief in god which was threatening to the deacons and pastor. i could have sued them for kidnapping or aggressive restraint. anyway, I think a person can be closer to their god on their own.and I believe Jesus has been totally misrepresented by the religious churches today.I am athiest to church but not to the supreme intelligence which is my god.


I officially put my foot down in regards to going to church when I was in college. It turned into screaming, crying fights with my mother who declared that I needed to be saved and I was going to Hell. That was about 15 years ago and she still tells me that I'm going to Hell.

So, if you believe my mom I am damned to Hell because I don't go to a building once a week. It had nothing to do with how I live my life but whether or not I go to church.

I believe in God but I do not believe in giving my time and money to an organization as messed up as the Catholic Church is. Frankly, I don't really believe in organized religion. Religion and land are the roots of every war. I just want no part of it.

I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.
