drug reference

the made a reference to drugs in the mission where you obtain the first boost tank.filmore is talking about his "new brew"


i thought that too, but it is a kids game and kids normally do not know what drugs are. also it could bo coincidental




My friends five year old daughter even noticed it.

Been making movies since 1997.


Did you even see the movie? Cause this wouldn't be a surprise to you if you did.


my 9 year old brother was like "what's the hippy-van making, drugs?" they were playing sitar music when they were playing it though, HAHA xD

there are lots of references that fillmore made, in the movie and in the game, that kids wouldnt get, though. i had to explain a lot of them to my friends. i especially got a kick out of the jimi hendrix thing!! :]

but i'm only 13.


dude lay off the drugs yourself.

its a kids game, do you really have to think the bad stuff first.

but yeah he is a hippie. so oh well.


i dont think it matters its just a game. im 10 and i loved it so watever



I saw it as the drug reference, too, but it's not like "brew" is only used like that.


brew (bru:) vb. 1. to make (beer, ale, etc.) from malt and other ingredients by steeping, boiling and fermentation. 2. to prepare (a drink, such as tea) by boiling or infusing. 3. (tr.) to devise or plan: 'to brew a plot'. 4. (intr.) to be in the process of being brewed: 'the tea was brewing in the pot'. 5. (intr.) to be impending or forming: 'there's a storm brewing' -n. 6. a beverage produced by brewing: 'a strong brew'. 7. an instance or time of brewing: 'last year's brew'. [Old English breowan related to Old Norse brugga, Old Saxon breuwan, Old High German briuwan]-'brew+er n.

It's like a clever little twist on caution cones...


He's talking about his organic fuel.


it's only beer.


ok HONESTLY!! so what if it is a reference to drugs?? its not as if kids now a days dont know bout that stuff...kids aint gonna get a bad influence from a video game like Cars. and besides, he IS a hippie!

Its gonna strip my parts, and sell them on a computer auction website!~Mater
