MovieChat Forums > Alive in Joburg Discussion > What about Half-Life?

What about Half-Life?

try to imagine an Half-Life with these special effects!!! absolutely cool!!! the aliens resemble in appearance and in voice to Head-crab Zombies ( ), instead resemble in behavior to Vortigaunts (


They are making a half-life movie. Sadly Its not about the game. HALF-
LIFE is based on a real word. so i dont think their making a movie on the game.

I think thats what your saying.
Or your just being stupid.


That should read "you're" (as in "you are"). Pretty sad to make an error on one's signature

I enjoy proper grammer...



But not spelling.

End communication.

I have a Brian Eno song stuck in my head.




The District 9 aliens have a huge resemblance to the vortigaunts from the Half-Life series.

Mix up a Half-Life vortigaunt, Halo Elite, a cockroach and the Alive in Joburg aliens and you got the non-humans from Alive in Joburg.


"I enjoy proper grammer..."

I hope that was a joke.


I think you'll find that's grammar.

Pretty sad to correct someone's signature, only to make a child-like spelling error like that.


Yea, actually, there is a HUGE resemblence. But NO Half-Life movie, please...


yes why not a good one?


why wouldn't you want a half-life movie?

An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.


why wouldn't you want a half-life movie?

If it was going to be a typical Hollywood live action movie, with condensed time and sterile action it's not going to be a good idea.

First off you either have to make Gordon speak or make the main character a mute. The former will take away from the experience and the latter would just be awkward.

Then you have to make people feel engaged about some guy just wandering around shooting hapless monsters and soldiers.

Maybe a TV show (Which despite millions of fans and top talent like J.J. Abrams and Quentin Tarantino wanting to do a HL project, it'll probably never be greenlit.) and maybe an animated Half-Life.


Halflife would be a great TV series if done right (like in the style, productions values of the newer BSG) One could probaly cover the story of HL1 and 2 in a 24 episode season. Maybe devote 6 to 8 episodes to the happenings of HL1 and the rest to HL2 (including ep1 and 2). Plenty of action fodder there....


A Half-Life 2 movie done in the style of Children of Men, with the single shot action scenes would be great. That's essentially what HL2 and Episode 1 are.
