MovieChat Forums > 24: Redemption (2008) Discussion > The child actors were fantastic

The child actors were fantastic

I was really impressed by this movie, but I thought the kids they put in the film were exceptional. The indoctrinated kids were able to display their anger, confusion, sadness. The boy who played Willie was also impressive, and he is a gorgeous boy as well, what adorable eyes. What a brilliant step up from the young girl they had in season 2 who's acting was loathsome.



I thought Willie was rubbish! An irritating character played to equally irritating effect by a mentally retarded, pie munching little tool!

"Missta Be'ton, missta Be'ton, why you die, wai yoo die?" He didn't have much to work with, but neither did James Cameron with Arny and look how that turned out.

But hey, to each his own.


I agree. What's even more impressive is they found the kids living in Shanty towns and none even had any acting experience.

Fox is a living legend and i tell you why,
Everybody wanna be Fox and Fox is still alive


I found it funny in really serious scenes like where the children are being rounded up to be soldiers, you can see some of the kids smiling in the background as they run like there loving it! Obviously very excited to be in a tv series.


Yep the child actors were great.


They weren't.


Yes they were.

a man chooses - a slave obeys


No, they weren't. Especially the one playing Willie.


Heeellz no girl, Kim was hotter than Willie! Kim for female president!
