What would you rate it.

Out of 1-10
I give it a nine.
I like the charaters and the animation plue the opening song i like.


9 or 10

Sora: W-We're back.
Kairi: [holds out hand] You're home.
~Kingdom Hearts II



Anime is Forever


I did give it a one out of ten.
But only because it wouldn't let me give it zero.
This show sucks, the plot is stupid, the animation is crap and the voices are awful.


I've seen this show a fair amount on TV, and overall I would give it a 5. The visual is awesome and that's the reason I watched it, but the English voices are just awful. Annoying and difficult to listen to their exceptional lack of emotion.



Have you tried watching it subbed? Or do you not like reading subtitles?
