Vatican plot?

I realize everyone like to blame the Vatican for everything. But if you're going to do it, at least don't make obvious mistakes. The one scene where they showed the was a King James version. Catholics don't use the King James version...Protestants use the King James version.


More importantly...the Catholic Church has no problem with the theory of evolution. And unlike the Protestants, the Church does not require the belief in the literal word of the Bible.

The reason why they had to make the Catholic Church the villain was because it has the kind of wealth that was required to make the elimination operation happen. If anything, it's the Holy Roller and creationist type sects that would have the most to lose if the Theory of Evolution were ever proven by living evidence.

I am no longer a practicing Catholic, but I went to Catholic elementary school and we were taught even in those grades that there was not necessarily a contradiction between science and what was written in the Bible. Jesus spoke in parables, after all.


True...I shook my head over that whole "conspiracy"...the Nuns at our school taught us about evolution 30 years ago. Sure the little kids learned about the Creation story up to 2nd grade, but then the focus went to science.


SPOILERS> 1) This movie was made spoiled and no additional harm can be done.
2) Everything else.
Yeah... I'm in the middle of this movie now. Had to stop. The goofy idea of a... church plot. A (Vatican) hit squad? To hide evidence of the MISSING LINK (Has anybody seriously used that term in the last hundred years?)... The laughable misunderstanding of evolution. The ridiculous "dig". The "locals" who have long known about the whatsis critters... (Who are these locals? Who did they mention a population of human-like primates to? Because, that'd be some news.) The sorta temple altar thingy. Who built that? Were the Carribes doing that before Columbus? And what the hell is the grape-goo? How big is the island to support a breeding population of these arboreal primates, as big as they are? (I'm surprised there are any other surviving animals on the island.) Do they survive on shipwrecked people? Is the Bermuda FUCKING Triangle going to be mentioned? Because, I would not be surprised.
OK...Not merely arboreal... They actually seem capable of flight! Not since the leaping Yeti of whatthefuckever was that awful Yeti movie with the crashed airliner and the cgi Yetis, have I seen anything so ridiculous.
And, I finished it. Bad. Derivative of better movies and bringing nothing of it's own. The makeup is good but not great. The acting is mostly not bad. The music is not bad. It is competently shot and edited... . And not worth the trouble anybody put into it.
