MovieChat Forums > Speed Racer (2008) Discussion > This could not have been any better

This could not have been any better

The kind of movie it is, it could not have been made any better than this. I never saw the cartoon but this was AWESOME!


Yeah, i never understood why this flix got so much hate/heat after its release. With that being said, i realize that the movie is not without its faults.


Yeah. I was a a Speed Racer movie in name alone. People went to see a live action Speed Racer, what they got was a movie with characters that shared the names and looks of the cartoons but had nothing to do with Speed Racer. Imagine a Jurassic Park Movie with no dinosaurs in it at all, or a Star Wars movie that's about Surfing in Hawaii and and you get the jist of why Speed Racer bombed so hard. It could have been better, had it been called something else. As a Speed Racer movie it totally missed the mark


Incorrect. SPEED RACER bombed because the Wachowskis wanted people to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions about their work, instead of pandering to the crowd. They did not do interviews, did not kiss the media's ass regarding their film. The very same thing happened with THE MATRIX sequels.

Most people surrender to the collective opinion, without thinking for themselves. If you look at the ratings on Metacritic alone, you'll see that the major critics are in polar opposite to the Users, and there are more than just a handful of them.

According to the rules of Hollywood, you have to kiss ass like you have to do in all American industries. It is more important to make certain you "follow the unwritten rules" and "join the club" than it is to try and let your work speak for itself. This is why the critics panned it in such large numbers, repeating the same quote over and over again in every negative review.

"Too many colors".

Like the GHOSTBUSTERS remake, Hollywood has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is nothing but a soulless, corporate money machine. They pay for marketing. They tell everyone involved with a film what to say and what to think. And they back it up by reminding everyone of the value of their paychecks, and warn them that they have to play ball if they want to have a future.

Don't believe me? Ask Shia LeBouf, when he defied almighty Spielberg by telling him that Indiana Jones 4 wasn't any good. Look what he did to his career.

Money ruins everything absolutely, because it allows selfishness and justification to not only run hand in hand, but to run amok.

My thoughts:
My book:

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.


maybe you should see the original show. then you will figure out why it only grossed a little more than 40 million of it's 120 million budget


Hilarious, the original show was kinda *beep* we all know it.

This was fantastic, but too family friendly for too many bitter people


I agree, it's spectacular fun that fulfills and satisfies me in so many ways. I too never watched either incarnation of the cartoon, but there have been many posters here that are lifelong fans of it, and they happily detailed how impressed they were with how the Ws paid tribute while making the movie its own unique thing.

sidenote: have you ever had a cranky user get so frustrated that they try to impersonate you? It's neat when someone exposes their true selves, like this thin character now doing it to me. One wonders what's the point... though of course, with someone like that, 'point' isn't exactly what you'd call a conscious goal. Let's just enjoy their antics while we can, that aimless comical impotent discontent probably won't last forever.



Trolling trolls is fun. Even more so when they cry about it. 


This message has been deleted by the poster

run troll! run! That's right, delete ALL your troll posts and change your name some more cyber-bullying coward!


I am so confused about all the hate this money got. Cartoon Network used to play the reruns of the Speed Racer Cartoon all the time. When I saw the previews of the movie my only hope was that the movie was gonna be like the cartoon which normally the movie is nothing like the show it's based on. Much to my surprise I got everything I wanted from the movie. It was totally like watching a live action cartoon of Speed Racer. I have no idea what people where expecting.


I am so confused about all the hate this money got.

Excellent, perfect, profoundly poetic mistake you made there.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


In terms of VFX, camerawork and production design, this film was the perfect example of capturing an anime cartoon in a live-action format.

In terms of storytelling, it was just okay and only partly faithful to the original cartoon.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


Actually yes, it could have been better.

It drags out way too long in places, everyone involved tries too hard to be animated and larger than life and the strain of it all shows a number of times. There is so much going on the end result is having too much money being spent and everything looking stagey and fake.

I didn't hate it, but it could've been a lot better...


I disagree. I think it couldn't have been any better, just as the OP said. I don't think it drags at all and I don't know what you mean by "everyone involved tries too hard to be animated and larger than life". I'm not sure that phrase even means something. Your criticism about it looking "stagey and fake" is completely invalid. THAT WAS THE POINT. The Wachowskis created a world that looked like nothing else we've seen and that was completely intentional. The film looked amazing. Its production design is precisely one of the film's strong points and many of its critics agree.
