Help me understand.

First of, I am NOT trying to bash, flame or troll. Just a regular, honest to God question.
So, this is a question for people who do like the movie.
What do you like on it?
I mean, I'm not against gore cinema, it could be really "fun", but this - it was just so boring. Stuttering video, randomly slowed down audio for.. whatever purpose, and the gore didn't even seem that bad..

so, why?


I will try to give you a serious answer. First let me state that I have watched all three films in the trilogy as well as the extensive special features on each disc. I also must state that while not a fan of a good deal of this content, I watched the films because I am a reviewer for an online magazine (Rogue Cinema)and the films were sent to me as screeners. I tried to be as objective and unbiased as I could.

I will say that as far as the gore goes, it gets better (or worse, depending upon your views) in each film, culminating with some truly sick stuff in the final film.

I watched all the special features first and I must say two things:

1) Watching the special features helped me tremendously in understanding both the limited plot of the films as well as what the ideas the director was trying to get across. I would highly recommend watching all the special features before diving into the films. The special features did an excellent job informing me of why the director made the artistic choices (rapid-edit cuts, extreme closeups, and a truly unique soundtrack) he made.

2) Regardless of what any of us may feel about the content of the films, I will also have to say that I was impressed by the professionalism with which the films were apparently made. Again, the special features did an excellent job of showing how carefully planned much of the film was and how careful the filmmakers were in using actors/actresses in situations with such extreme content.

I will also say that I did find some of the stuff (especially the scenes involving various bodily fluids aside from blood) initially shocking but ultimately monotonous. It's like any other film. If you see the same thing over and over you quickly become desensitized to it.

Ultimately, this film and the others are personal fetish films and masturbatory fantasies made by the director for the director. He doesn't come out and directly state this, but he does fully admit (again, on the SVD estra features) that he has a fetish that includes the act of vomiting and the use of vomit for sexual pleasure. People that have this particular fetish (called emetophilia) probably enjoy these films thoroughly, especially if they also enjoy splatter films.

Hope this helps.
