Oh dear, its a turkey

just saw a screener for this movie.

The acting is terrible, the sets are cheap, the story is weak, the narrative is substandard, the ship doesn't looks like any pirate ship that i've ever seen, the costumes look new and not dirty, worn and ruffled and the whole thing lasts 1 hour and 13 minutes (including the titles).

infact its so bad that its like watching a porn film with all the sex removed.

again i ask, why do they bother making dross like this?

more importantly, how does the production company stay in business making dross like this?


My husband and I watched (more like suffered through) this movie last night and he too made the comment that it was like a porno flick without sex.

It really is bad. I'm fairly open minded and I do enjoy a good B movie, but this was just horrible.

**spoiler I guess**
We actually laughed once and that was when we realized the best part of the movie was when the one guy burned his hair off again after having said, "Not this time!"


...How does the production company stay in business making dross like this?

Because "dross like this" is cheap, low-budget, and easy to produce in large quantities. Just ask Roger Corman.

Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6
