Premium Movie Channel?

This movie was released almost a year ago and other movies released more recently are debuting on premium movie networks such as HBO, STARZ, etc. Any idea what happened to this movie and when it will be on TV?


I would lean towards Cinemax but it is not yet scheduled


Cinemax usually recycles films grabbed by HBO. I would consider EPIX or Starz. I don't suspect the quality of this movie to be an issue for premium channels. After all, HBO picked up Jonah Hex.

No Cake? The Cake is a Lie.


Its been well over a year this movie should have been on tv by now...what happened to it?


Doubt it will be picked up. I get all the premium channels as part of a package, and some films never make it, like Hunger Games, Hugo and One For the Money. On the other side, Thats My Boy was $5 for 2 months, and then went right to Starz. The new Spider Man is on Starz already too.


Hunger Games, Hugo and One For the Money are on Epix
This film ,Take me home tonight is exclusive to Netflix


What's Epix? I've never heard of it
