MovieChat Forums > Gospel Hill (2009) Discussion > I heard Sam Jackson was in this...

I heard Sam Jackson was in this...

But the thing is Samuel is to play John Malcolm, which is Danny Glover's part. It should be interesting to see which one plays him. Maybe Sam is playing Peter Malcolm, John's assasinated brother...I hope pictures surface from this film soon!

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I 've also heard from someone involved in this film that Sam Jackson is in this. However this is the movie business and sometimes things change at the last minute, especially casting. He would be a great addition to an already great cast.


this movie is or was being filmed in my hometown Chester a few weeks ago. Patriotville was here last summer. And I heard the same thing about Jackson. But my friend said when he was at work Danny Glover came into the restaurant he was working at to use the I dont know.


Samuel L Jackson plays Danny Glover's character's father in flashbacks.


Yes, Samuel L. Jackson, whose character was assassinated, appears only in old footage from the civil rights era. Danny Glover does an excellent job playing his son, though.


Maybe Sam is playing Peter Malcolm, John's assasinated brother...
Don't you mean Paul Malcolm, John's assassinated father?

"Liebchen . . . . Sweetnessheart, what watch?"
"Ten watch."
"Such much?"


I posted that back in 2007 when the early descriptions of the script stated that Peter Malcolm was John's brother. Of course now we know it was his father. I ordered Gospel Hill on DVD from yesterday...I'm expecting it in the mail next week. I'm excited to see how Giancarlo's film turned out!

(")_(") Angela Bassett Fanblog!


I did not know about the early descriptions. I just went by the movie, which I saw yesterday.

"Liebchen . . . . Sweetnessheart, what watch?"
"Ten watch."
"Such much?"


Sam Jackson is in a limited role, mostly appears in flashback scenes.

So Long, Smash Williams! Clear Eyes! Full Hearts! Can't Lose!


that sucks I thought he had a decent role in this

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
