Is this film available on DVD?


I was talking to Susan Sheppard(She was in the movie.) and she said they were having trouble finding a DVD company to release the film on.



Thanks for the info, jvm. I love eveything about the mothman legend and I was looking forward to viewing this film.


Anytime. Are you going to this years Mothman festival? I well.
And if you'd like to take a look at the my Mothman site, your more than welcome. http://freewebs.com/redeyes_in_the_sky/



I think that we might perhaps take a road trip to the Mothman festival. I'm in Kentucky so, it's not too far. I will definitely check out your site!!!


Hi, thats not how it works, these guys have had a distributor from the onset, its being released direct to video and for tv release, maybe limited theatrical release. (read in an article a while ago) I also read the project was delayed release because they have had to do the CGI twice, because the director was not happy with the job the first company did. I also heard there was some other technical problem that delayed the film a year, but I know its not distribution.


I am glad to know that the film actually exists... Given imdb's appalling track record for 1. omitting actual films and film makers 2. listing vaporware and fake entries as long the listers are paying them.

So is this film finished, in existence and to be released? Or what?


If you're still looking for it, the movie is now available on Netflix for instant viewing.


It's in Best Buy and most retailers.


Just got a 2 disc "Collector's Edition" from the public library!!

I have not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.
