why does L eat so much?

he doesn't even get fat!!!


Because he's awesome.

sweet jesus - that man is a walking tube of KY jelly!!!~ LiveFromNewYawk on François Arnaud


He only eats sweets. The brain needs sugar and lithium for quick processing.


Yep, to fuel his mental capacities.

Also, L has said he knows the "right" way to eat sweets, lol.

"...Due to cruel circumstances that would not be allowed to happen quite that easily..."


Sweets for brain processing...that's a new one. I pictured him more as a caffeine addict.

"Post brigades at every sewer, entrance and exit! I want them found, NOW!!!"



I couldn't believe the way he eats. It was one thing as an anime character but to see a real human being eating the way he ate all day every day... blech. I eat too much myself and need to cut back on the sweets but he really takes it to an extreme. In real life he'd be obese and having diarrhea more often than not. Kira wouldn't even need to write his name in the death note; he'd have a heart attack on his own before long anyway.

I know it's fiction and it's entertaining and we're not meant to take it seriously, but I just had to say that lol. Still like the movie and like L.

"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
- Voltaire


he was so overrated.
what did he do in the movie? really?

he did nothing.

i could have gone without him,i rather had wanted L being chased by the cops. but.
