Lamont Bentley

Lamont Bentley passed away 4 years before this movie came out. I don't understand how he is acting in it??


Sometimes a movie may be done filming and not actually come out until years later. Don't know when they started filming, but that's the only explanation. - The move came out in 2009, but sometimes movies actually take that long to complete - It could have just been a 'project' at some part.

Actually, you can tell some parts in the movie where their budget must have been low. (well the whole movie was low budget), but the effects for example - In some parts you can actually see them using paint ball guns for blood, then other parts you can see they're using explosive blood packs. - So that could be evident that it took a while to complete the movie.

"And what was it last time? Didn't know what the box was?" - The Female Cenobite in Hellbound
