
It could have been an entertaining movie, as the (base) story itself is quite good, but it was handles absolutely bad.. After seeing this movie, I would never hire Peter Mervis for any project, as he clearly is a bad director.
Most of the times when I watched this movie I was wondering Why the character would do something, or better How was it that everytime the bad guys showed up at the right time at the right place without any knowledge whatsoever about the particular place.. even the character asks himself why they are always there.. it just didn't make any sense..
and let's not forget the bad camerawork, please keep the camera focused and steady, and please next time get a real camera, not a Videocamera, I really hate movies recorded with a videocamera, it's Ok for an amateur film, but not for a 'professional' movie..

But for people who want to make movies, this is a great movie for learning, how not to do it.. there are so many mistakes that it really is a good learning movie.. I would even encourage people to remake this movie for learning purposes, you really can't do worse (well ofcourse it's possible)..

