Stay away from Asylum

I'm curious if anyone has ever really liked anything disributed by "The Asylum". After wasting my time on several titles like "The Da Vinci Treasure", "Legion of the Dead", and "Way of the Vampire" I actually check to see if they have anything to do with it and then walk the other way.


Yes... King of the Ants(Stuart Gordon flick) Dead Men Walking(gory zombie movie) Beast of Bray Road(sp?)(horribly bad werewolf film that's just fun to watch cause of that)... But all of their other movies that I've seen have sucked horribly bad.

"When God gives you AIDS - and God does give you AIDS, by the way - make lemonAIDS"


And adding to their list of great cinematic achievements is this summer's highly anticipated upcoming giant robot sci-fi/action movie...


reply, just wow. I saw a thread on Transmorphers in the Transformers board (I thought it reads "Transphormers"). They need to make their own original movies! I mean, I think they are smart by tricking people but it's like fraud!


jesus *beep*' christ, they are coming out with an alien vs. predator rip off.


Yeah AVH - Alien Vs Hunter.


How can these people sleep at night? Not only do they have nothing in the way of artistic integrity, but they are making money from the unethical fact that if I ask my dad to rent "The Da Vinci Code" there is a small chance that he might accidentally pick up "The Da Vinci Treasure" due to the similarity of the titles.


They have over 200 original films in there library. They slogged there guts out for year and they have finally have found an easy money maker. So I think they sleep pretty easy. No one confuses there movies. And if they did, I'm sure they would refund there money.


Is anybody really fooled by their titles? I've never seen any of their movies, but I do plan on seeing I Am Omega when I get another free rental coupon. They come out when the actual movie is still in theatres, and the covers looks cheesy, I actually like to goof on the titles with my friends at the rental stores.


We complain about it now... but in 10 or 20 years they will be cult classics. And new Quentin Tarantino's will rise to make movie's with this style. Never seen one though.. but I can see the humor of it.


I've recently begun watching their movies and I've had a wonderful time. Fun stuff.


OK, let's just assume for argument's sake that Film Guy is not fibbing when he says he does not work for Asylum (it's not true, he does, but let's just pretend he doesn't for the sake of discussion).
Why do you, Film Guy, keep telling people that you love all these truly awful films and intend to add them to your collection...and that you had fun watching them.
When all is said and done these movies are cynically aimed at relieving people of their money through mild deception. They are not, as has been suggested, works of love by dedicated directors working on a low budget (that would be Carpenter's Assault on precinct thirteen), they are in fact rip-offs, plain and simple, designed from the out to mislead people by making farcical claims that sucker in the un-film-savvy. My own wife fell prey to such petty crime when she bought me Dragon, believing it to be in some way similar to LotR, as claimed on the DVD cover. I did not 'have fun', I did not 'wish to add it to my DVD collection', I felt ripped off and shocked that anything quite so badly made, badly written, cheap and unworthy could possibly have made it on to the shelves of my local Woolworths.
When you constantly espouse the virtues of such rubbish, Film Guy, you encourage a little more unhappiness in the world as people foolish enough to believe you waste their hard won money on this dross. If you do not actually work for Asylum (or are not sleeping with someone who does) try taking up a less damaging hobby, like encouraging children to get in to cars with Mack wearing strangers who want to show them their 'puppies'. Ultimately you'll do less harm that way.
Oh, and before I forget, you're a liar!



"When you constantly espouse the virtues of such rubbish, Film Guy, you encourage a little more unhappiness in the world as people foolish enough to believe you waste their hard won money on this dross."

It is absurd to blame unhappiness in the world on the IMDB. You are quite the overly dramatic b*tch.

"If you do not actually work for Asylum (or are not sleeping with someone who does) try taking up a less damaging hobby, like encouraging children to get in to cars with Mack wearing strangers who want to show them their 'puppies'."

I don't work for the Asylum. I have not met anyone who works for the Asylum. You are not only an overly dramatic b*tch, but a sick b*tch too.

"Oh, and before I forget, you're a liar!"

You got it wrong again. I'm telling the truth. You are an overly dramatic sick b*tch who enjoys posting about child rape AND you're an idiot. You really should have quit at "OK". :)


''It is absurd to blame unhappiness in the world on the IMDB. You are quite the overly dramatic b*tch.''

He is being somewhat jocular but there is an air of truth in what he says. Asylum are a disgusting company that actively want to rip people off. The worst thing about them, though, is that they do not try to make quality films, they make them cheap, fast and more importantly, with no love at all.

''I don't work for the Asylum.''

You obviously do. You always come here to defend them or post pointless short comments about how much you ''enjoy [them]'' and ''want to add [them] to your collection''.

''I have not met anyone who works for the Asylum. You are not only an overly dramatic b*tch, but a sick b*tch too.''

Says the man who defends the crime against humanity that is Asylum.

''You are an overly dramatic sick b*tch who enjoys posting about child rape AND you're an idiot.''

Please find a list of better insults instead of repeating ''overly dramatic b*tch''. Also I am sure he doesn't enjoy child rape. The man seems to take a stand against rape, hence his attack on Ayslum's rape of film and minds.

If you love Jesus 100%... keep it to yourselves, perverts!


I quite liked Transmorphers - reasonably good low-budget effects and an effective twist halfway through. Fairly appalling acting mostly, though.

Latest film seen: Genesis (1994) 4/5



You all need to remember that there are some people who just love BAD movies. Personally I'm a bad movie fan and although much of what Asylum puts out is ultra low budget and equally low quality, there are occasional gems that turn up.

You just need to do your homework and make sure you really want to rent that movie....


I'm convinced that the whole company is some millionaire's practical joke. Which is undoubtedly awesome.


Are these producers a Joke?

every title they made, just with reading it, cracks me up.... Transmorphers! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......


I seriously thought The Asylum's version War of the Worlds was really good. But other than that....they suck.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.
