oh dear

umm either I got a horrid bootleg version of this movie or it was just plain horrible. the acting made me cringe and it just overall made me wanna scream. loudly. I dunno if this is just me or not >_<

and I'd like to say I rented this from blockbuster [I didn't buy it]. I don't know if blockbuster gives out bootleg versions of movies...so maybe it was just insanely terrible.



no its not just you, happybunny, the movie looks very grainy and the audio isn't that crisp.

you can try renting a different copy, but it probably won't matter.











Your all fools. It looks grainy because it was shot with a cannon xl1. Lighting was poor, and obviousley there was a focus issue in many shots. What happens with poor lighting? Well you have to increase the gain on your camera, which creates a grainy look. The End.



I'm no freshman at film and I must say that the graininess of 28 days later has nothing to do with anything. Mr. Jingles is not worth defending. This time I agree with Shaun213.


No...that was no bootleg. That's what the movie looked like.


My friend... You are so not the only one. LOL.

Some guy on the JP board is trying to tell me this movie is better then JP 3. HAHAHA! He's a little haluinative ain't he? (Spelling Yea Yea...)

Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Nope. Not a Troll. Ask my girlfriend. :P
I'm not gonna fight with you dude.
Do you know the meaning of being sarcastic?

Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Now Come on Man... I'm not trying to be mean or anything. It was a simple question.

If I came off as hostel or anything, I am sorry Ok?
I'm just saying, if you thought you were being funny by saying that Jurassic Park was worse then Mr. Jingles... well I just don't find it funny. I'm sorry. That's just my opinion. And BTW, Being sarcastic is not the same as being funny.


Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



sar•casm \"sar-'ka-zem\ n 1 : a cutting or contemptuous remark 2 : ironic criticism or reproach — sar•cas•tic \sar-"kas-tik\ adj — sar•cas•ti•cal•ly \-ti-k(e-)le\ adv

I already Said I was sorry, and I said that it was MY opinion that you were not funny. I don't wanna fight, but If you wish to argue... fine. Learn to read my friend...

And At least JP3 had some sorta story line. Unlike a few movies...

I said it wasn't the greatest, but yet again, you twist my words around. Why do people do that? I also said it was my opinion that JP2 was the coolest. JP 1 will always be better, but I just like JP2 the most. Excuse me for stating my opinion.


Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Right. OK. You keep telling your self that Mate. What's with the Troll Comment? Is that the best Insult you can come up with? XD

Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Haha. Right. OK. Whatever Di'kut. Whatever you say.

Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Yep. Sure. Keep Talknig To Yourself.

Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.



Now see right there ladies and gents? I'm not even doing anything to him and he's still acting like a complete ass! Hahahaha.


Oh Yeah. Ooo, ah. That's how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.

