
i tried to post the following as a comment to the movie 3 times. everytime it said pending in my comment history for about 4 days and then it disappeared to nowhere. if...the carvingghostfreakthing from carver the movie that plays in carver and has lots of carvers who talk about carving things made it vanish...

"wow! this movie is impressive! i've seen a lot of movies so far, but none of them was even close to being as bad as the pumpkin karver. nothing in this movie is done right. sure, it's not easy to make a good movie...and it seems impossible if you're punished with the total absence of any filmmaking talent. on the official site for the pumpkin karver it says, that robert mann is a graduate of UCSD with a bachelors degree in theater and visual arts and that he's got diplomas in the art of independent filmmaking and producing from the hollywood film institute and blah, blah, blah.... it doesn't show. the script is pure nonsense, the actors seem to be searching for a director during the hole movie, the music is lame and always misplaced, there's not one scary moment in this movie and what's even worse: it doesn't even make you laugh. i mean...very, very, very bad movies at least can be enjoyed with an ironic look at them...but the pumpkin karver takes itself so seriously that it even fails as a comedy.
see...i really don't want to hurt any feelings here...and i usually don't comment on amateurish movies because i actually really do apreciate most efforts of contributing to this sometimes magical form of art. but someone like robert mann who himself praises his own talents and abilities like he was some kind of genius is just a disgrace. if you create something really awful as the pumpkin karver you should at least admit your failure and maybe learn from talented independent filmmakers, how you can make a good movie with an intelligent plot and some decent dialogues.
i'm really looking forward to your next big hit, the on the pumpkin karver site announced musical comedy "groovy gurus of rock'n'roll". must be good, i'm sure. a great comedian such as yourself (you wouldn't put yourself in the same line as jim carrey, chris rock and eddie murphy if you weren't a great comedian...or would you?) couldn't possibly make a bad comedy...or could you...?!?"

"never underestimate the power of denial". ricky fitts


It happened to me the same! Posted 4 times and nothing. Until I've changed the title (Don't know if it was because of that) and then voilá. Try it again.


This film IS impressive. Have you ever tried to write, direct and come up with the money to do an indie that actually gets distributed by the likes of FIRST LOOK? KUDOS to Robert Mann and all of his crew. This is a very fun film to watch. By the way, Robert Mann started at the Comedy Store and was introduced by Jim Carrey, Chris Rock, Andrew Dice Clay abd others. He used to be part of the comedy team Of "Piper and Tupper". They won best new comedy act on MTV. I saw them at the Dunes hotel in Las vegas with Pauly Shore and Tommy Davidson. They were so funny the audience never wanted them to leave the stage.


Get a real life and grow up! Just because he is good at comedy and was comic at MTV doesn't make this piece of trash of Pumpkin Karver to be good... this movie sucked BIG time!


I agree. I felt dumber after watching this movie. The actors were lame, and the movie made absolutely no sense whatsoever!!


I can honestly say that I am NOT curious as to what kind of person you are with a user name like "Would you blow me if I ask you." Only in America can you get away with writing such garbage and not have someone visit you late at night for it. It is one thing not to like a movie and and it is another thing to intentionally try to bury, insult, injure, attack, criticize with the destructive intent to inflict personal damage on someone you don't even know. You should stick to trying to get other people to blow you because apparently that is what you do best. Try not to get caught by Dateline NBC. Good Luck.


very interesting arguments, mannjamba. never looked at it that way...but maybe you're right. it really could be a good movie if i changed my username.

"never underestimate the power of denial". ricky fitts
