After Thoughts (SPOILERS)

While the game felt a little rushed, the story is still there and this game really delivers on story, I especially loved the allusions to Xenogears in this one. I liked how the ending still left it open for an Episode IV-VI, despite what Namco has been saying. Jin's death was done exactly how I thought it should have been done, going down fighting for something greater than yourself. I wish that they used Albedo more but like I said, there may be more episodes. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly didn't see that KOS-MOS being a vessel for Mary Magdalene's soul thing coming. It was also interesting to learn that chaos was the human incarnation of Anima. All in all, this was a great game and even it is the last one, then at least the Xenoseries goes out with a great ending; I hopes it's not the end though.
