
Who else thinks chaos is the Ethereal version Jesus? Since Xenosaga contains elements of Gnosticism, it would make since that the physical Jesus was crucified and the ethereal Jesus (chaos/Yeshua) lived. I think this was the intention of the creators, but it was never said (just that chaos had the power of Anima within him.)


Correct. chaos is the ethereal version of Jesus.


Remember, T-elos calls Mary the "Partner of the Messiah," and since Mary is the Animus, her partner would clearly be the Anima- chaos. So, to reiterate, you would be correct that chaos is Jesus.

"Sacred powers... cast thy purifying light upon these corrupt souls! Judgement!" ~Kratos Aurion


chaos is space Jesus. Wicked.


Here is the link to the wikipedia page on Gnosticism, it should give you a better idea of who chaos is.

You can probably also conclude that Wilhelm is the Demiurge, since he practically controlled everything in the Universe.
