MovieChat Forums > Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra Discussion > So how does it connect to Xenogears, plo...

So how does it connect to Xenogears, plotwise?

Go on. Spoil it for me.


It doesn't and it's not supposed to. I thought maybe it was supposed to, but no...


It's not,but...


...the planet KOS-MOS float towards at the end(with the rings) could be the planet from Xenogears(or not,it's been years since I played XG so I could be wrong)

"If you're strong you live,if you're weak you die!"
~Sojiro Seta from "Rurouni Kenshin"~


really? That's....really disapointing.


It doesn't connect with Xenogears (at least not yet, if the series ever will or ever had been intended to), though I still think it's a great game never the less. While they answered the majority of everything presented in Episodes I-II, there's still quite a bit left unresolved that could lead to another game, including


The attempt to find Lost Jerusalem (Earth; the planet KOS-MOS was moving to and, if it connects to Xenogears, the planet Deus would've been activated on), as well as the fact that things STILL aren't fully settled with Wilhelm, at least in my mind. While he very well COULD be dead, I kind of doubt it, as I doubt the sincerity of much of what he said his purpose and intent was at the end (except for what he said Zarathustra was).


According to the Japanese Xenosaga Episode III Perfect Guide, Wilhelm still exists. He has lost his physical body, but his will still exists to watch over our universe. Through his will, the UMN column that the Elsa used transported it to the same galaxy as Lost Jerusalem.


It isn't. The world that Xenogears takes place on isn't Lost Jerusalem. It's a random planet that the Eldridge happened to be near when Deus reactivated. The main planet that they mention in the Xenogears opening movie that Deus tried to take the Eldridge to is Lost Jerusalem.


What if Citan is Jin Uzuki?


I'm not sure if I should even warn for Spoilers but . . .

Jin is dead. I always thought Citan was going to be Jin's decendant since they're obviously similar and both's alst name was "Uzuki". But then I remembered Citan's REAL name was Hyuga Ricdeau. Jin was just there as more fan service, since the Xenosagas are just another story in the same vein of Xenogears and using similar themes, names and visuals.

Shame they didn't connect it thoroughly. I would kill to see Xenogears remade รก la Xenosaga.


Jin is dead FOR NOW. His consciousness went with Abel and Nephilim to Lost Jerusalem. At some point in the future, he will be reborn.
