Live action cast?

This was my post from the imdb Xenosaga II forum. So I might be missing some of the later characters from the later games.

My Cast:

~Main Characters [Good guys]~

Shion Uzuki- Natalie Portman
KOs-MOS- Uma Therman
chaos- ?
Jr- Josh Hutcherson
MOMO/Sakura Mizrahi- Alyson Stoner
Ziggy- Sasha Roiz
Jin Uzuki- Keanu Reeves
~The Villains

Albedo- Jim Carrey [I know, I know >>!!! But he'd be good at the laugh]
Margulis- Gerard Butler
Pelegri- ?
Wilhelm [Don't know if hes bad]- ?
Lut. Virgil- Hugh Laurie
Patriarch- Ian McKellen

~The Elsa

Tony- Leonardo Dicapprio [=D]
Captain Matthews- Dennis Quaid
~ETC. People

Gaignun Kukai- ?
Helmer- Samuel Jackson...? [XD!]
Juli Mizrahi- Sandra Bullock
Mary- Cameron Diaz


Thats all I can think of.... I know, there's TOO MUCH characters to film a movie of it XD; Now let's see what you guys think =)
