ladies are just not funny

Well most of the time. And if they did it would be totally random or studdered.
And then you have the guys , the guys are like right there on the buzzer making up funny things every time.

My Orange Got Stuck in a door-hinge


That same thought entered my head when watching the first season on DVD.
while there are some good performances by females, the males always seem to steal the show. Cal Wilson isn't bad though.


If they'd just ditch that bloody Fifi Box, I'd be happy.


i love fifi, i think she is awesome, its the only reason i bought the dvd they are all good the only one i didnt like was Kate i didnt think she was very funny i liked julie as well

Jan: I'm sorry all I heard was blah blah blah I'm a dirty tramp.


The women are no where near as enjoyable to watch as the men. Fifi needs to stick with her day job and drop by D-poll on the way to change her name. Fifi Box?
Bring back Arrested Development


I agree. The only one who really stands out is Cal Wilson who has done some classic segments.



Ahem, Julia Zemero can do no wrong!

I agree about Fifi though. I think they keep brining her back because her totally tanking has become a sick form of entertainment.
And that Kate chick from 'the wedge' - who the hell is she and why does she suck so bad?

Cal Wilson also rules.

The extreme always seems to make an impression. – JD, 'Heathers'


Kate didn't do too badly this time around, but last time she was on she was clearly brilliant, she improvised so much that her scene received the biggest laugn of the night. They didn't give her much to work with this time around.


Correction, Shag. SHE didn't get the biggest laugh of the night, the regular ensemble cast member in the scene with her did. Actually, he got at least two of the biggest laughs that night. Both were in response to his calm, quick witted retorts to her failed attempts to throw him off his game. Jenkinson gets nervous and tries to get around the hurdle of having to respond off the cuff to what the cast will give her by trying to preempt them and "turn the tables" on them - trying to make them improvise on her out of context offerings instead of the other way round. Unfortunately for her(but fortunately for us) the cast (and particularly that guy who played the baron to her governess that night - what's his name?) are so much better at it than her that they don't bat an eyelid, take it all in their stride, and completely best her at her own game. But she ends up looking so completely lost and out of her league, it's tragic. The only time the other night that she looked more nervous than she does in the scenes was when Shane Bourne asked her what she'd been working on lately and she couldn't think of anything.


Correction canute, A) SHE set it up for the ensemble actor and I never said that she received the biggest laugh of the night, I said her SCENE did. B)SHE never looked nervous, (can you screencapture it or tell me where to look?) C)She has enough talent to improvise without hesitation at all.


I actually quite liked her Governess scene. I agree with you that she didn't seem nervous at all. Sure, like the others she has moments where she takes a few moments to think, but she didn't appear nervous.

That scene definately was one of the best scenes that night, and to me, one of the best female participants. I think the guy who played the Baron that time is one of the best for sure though ^^ Anyone know his name?

Severus Snape Fangirl and proud of it! :p


Cal Wilson & Julia Zemiro are pretty good! I agree with Fifi though-she always looks awkward and confused!

* no opposite.*~


I can't stand Fifi, however I do like Cal and Julie.

You're right though, generally the women are the least funny.

Severus Snape Fangirl and proud of it! :p


Oh, wow, really guys?

I actually think the women are hilarious and have hoped that there would eventually be an episode with at least 2 female comedians in it.

Oh well, we can't all win eh?

That said, the quality in hilariousness of the men is indeed a tad higher than the women. But the women nonetheless are still funny.


Cal Wilson & Julia Zemiro are both good, but both can be guilty of trying too hard.

But someone who doesn't seem to get much love is Rebel Wilson. I think she was HILARIOUS in that Italian sketch in season 3.
