MovieChat Forums > Thank God You're Here (2006) Discussion > The women on this show are never funny

The women on this show are never funny

Just watched the entire season 1. The women are crap.

The end.


Was Julia Zemiro in season 1? I thought she was probably the exeption - but yeah, the other women (especially Fifi Box) weren't good at all.

Dawson's Creek
Thank God You're Here
My So-Called Life
That 70's Show


Been watching more of it and there is a New Zealander girl who is pretty funny, competes with the men fairly easily. I think she was in season 2, did a skit at a wedding and kept insulting her sister. Was pretty funny.


Cal Wilson!!! Yeah she was funny tooo!!! Crazy!! The bit when she was a babysitter...have you seen that one yet? And when she was the ditzy gameshow and she wasn just smiling and laughing away haha



I skip all the women's ones. I watched one once (the fat girl) and that was ok, but I've never laughed at any of them. Actually, I don't think I've even ever seen a funny woman comedian/anything either.

Mr Flibble's very cross.



OK I'm aware I may be feeding a troll here BUT, I disagree!!

It is a fact that there are more LAME peformances by men than women in this show - hands down.

Carl Barron didn't do much. Jimoen just looked at the audience and ensemble cast and laughed. He had nothing. Also Steven Curry - funny guy but not much happening.

However Cal Wilson gave us brilliant stuff as did Jo Stanley, Julia Morris, Rebel Wilson, Julia Zemiro and Kate Jenkinson was good. Ok Fifi not so good but most of the so called 'funniest guys' have bombed at least once including Bob Franklin.

So shut-up.
