Netflix, Hulu or Amazon...

Which one of these streaming giants will be the first to bow down to the pressure and show this epic?


I wish somebody would.


Just read it will be on HBO now / go in January.


Today HBO is showing The Godfather Epic. 7 hours and 10 mins. It's in chronological order with additional footage not shown in Parts 1 & 2.


If you didn't see my post, it's airing today on HBO. Also will air next Saturday.


good stuff!

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


Saturday's airing is on HBO Signature.

It's also on anytime on HBO Go. I have it on right now to catch what I missed earlier.

It ends differently that the Saga that aired on NBC back in 1977. The closing scene was Kay lighting a candle, a scene originally shot for the first film. This ended with the standard close of Godfather Part II.

I hope that this means that a BluRay is coming.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me
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