intrebare idioata

nu am fost foarte atent , si nici nu cred ca e foarte important, nu ar schimba cu nimic filmul.....dar are idee cineva in ce oras se petrece actiunea? adica dupa accente ar trebui sa fie pe undeva prin Moldova!



in vaslui se petrece, scrie la sfarsit, dar oricum accentul nu e foarte pronuntat, probabil si fiidca porumboiu a dorit sa generalizeze, nu sa se rezume la o localitate anume, dintr-o zona anume.


mersi mult de tot


daca se petrece in Vaslui de ce pe placuta cu numere de la masini scrie B ?


Pot garanta ca e vorba de Vaslui, fiindca acolo m-am nascut si mi-am petrecut majoritatea vietii (din pacate, ar spune unii).
Masini inmatriculate in Bucuresti pot aparea din diverse motive. In aceeasi ordine de idei, daca tot e vorba despre Vaslui de ce nu se vorbeste cu accent moldovenesc puternic?
Poate mr. Porumboiu a vrut sa valorifice doar atmosfera deprimanta a Vasluiului, fara a localiza definitiv actiunea.

PS: Vaslui nu-i cel mai sarac oras/municipiu din Romania. Cinematograful s-a inchis pt. ca lumea se uita la filme piratate, gratis, in confortul propriului camin.


Sau poate pentru ca actorii nu sunt din Vaslui.






The problem with most quality Romanian movies is that they are sort of like 'inside jokes'.. meaning you will enjoy them twice as much if you are familiar with our lifestyle.

However, I will recommend a few titles I think you should give a chance to: - this one has its share of Romanian subtleties but I think it is very enjoyable even if you don`t figure them out - a bit slow in its development but the acting is exceptional - again wonderful acting, great dialogue, but I`m afraid you will not appreciate the black humour as much as someone who is familiar with the Romanian healthcare system - might be difficult to get hold of but if you manage to I suggest a watch, it is pretty interesting - this one is supposed to be very good but I haven`t gotten around to watching it yet

Also, I recommend a short film (~14mins) you can watch on youtube (it has English subtitles): - Part 1 - Part 2

Enjoy! And maybe come back to let us know what you thought of them. I for one am very curious as to how a foreigner sees the movies we enjoy.



I haven't seen many romanian films but the ones that are just out the oven and worth watching are I think "The Death Of Mr. Lazarescu" "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 days" "California Dreamin'" "Hartia Va Fi Albastra" (The Paper Will Be Blue). That's about all I can think of in 30 seconds...there are a few more but I haven't seen them yet..enjoy:)


I loved The Death of Mr. Lazarescu and would like to get better acquainted with Romanian films. Would you mind sharing with non-Romanians a bit more about these metaphors you speak of? It would be greatly appreciated, I assure you.


Well, regarding the metaphors, the characters represent some typical Romanian characters who pretend to be involved/interested in the revolution: the old senile man, the drunken buffoon, and the pretend-philosopher. Also, their lifestyles and interractions with other characters are so typically Romanian that we enjoy them madly and laugh heartily at a gesture we have seen our parents or our teachers do before. A foreigner would not pick up on these things unless they have lived in Romania for a while.

For instance, although the talk show scene is obviously exaggerated (though talk shows are much like that in our country, you can imagine the camera work isn`t that horrible), please watch the mimic and gestures of the old man (Piscociu) closely. Me and all my friends who have seen it find them hilarious because we are familiar with old Romanian people acting this way, both on TV and at home.

In short, when watching such a movie, please keep in mind that in Romania, though the regime is now democratic, many of the older people holding the power in all public domains have been brought up during communism. Unfortunately, it is not that easy for everyone to drastically change the way they think and act, so communist attitudes are still all around. (yes, there are exceptions, but that`s another story)

Also another key point to remember is that nearly every Romanian institution is corrupted - meaning that if you don`t have lots of money for a substantial bribe, or know someone influential who will make a phonecall for you, you are not taken seriously, or at least not as seriously as someone who does have one of these advantages. (again, all due respect to the exceptions to this rule)

Now in Romania we have this expression 'a face haz de necaz' which means 'to make fun of problems', and this is what these movies do. They use subtle sarcasm or black humour to bring forward these issues to the viewer, but a little bit sugar coated.

Hope I helped a bit; please feel free to send a message if you need any more help.. I am not even close expert but I have watched Romanian movies with foreigners and explained the key points to them, and I very much enjoy doing it.



Hope I helped a bit; please feel free to send a message if you need any more help

You sure did, I'm much obliged to you.


It takes place in the town of Vaslui. So you were right, it takes place on north-eastern part of the country. Actually you can see a hint for the name of the town in the movie. The actual name is hidden by the Christmas tree, but you can see the letters "UI".
If you google for Vaslui, you will find the famous "piata" and the tower with the clock scenery :)

Numai bine!


Hm, asa e, credeam ca scrie 'Primaria Orasului' acolo, dar 'Vaslui' e mai logic.


Vaslui is in East Romania, not north-east.


Chiar daca; nu ai vazut niciodata; Vasluiul (cazul meu), statuia impunatoare a lui Stefan cel Mare din mijlocul pietei (care banuiesc ca se numeste tot Stefan cel Mare) unde se afla Primaria, precum si faptul ca orasul are dimensiuni medii spre mici, nu ar putea indica decat ca este vorba despre Vaslui. :)
